Louisville 2013
We sought to create a General Assembly (GA) in 2013 to move our Association “From Promise to Commitment.” Promises call us into relationship. The experience of making, breaking and remaking promises is the reality of our lived faith. We gathered in Louisville, KY, to examine and renew our covenant to our faith, one another, our congregations and the larger world.
Assembled 2013 eBook
Assembled 2013: Select Sermons and Lectures from the General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association is only available as an eBook in the Amazon Kindle Store.
The major presentations of the 2013 GA. UUA President Peter Morales calls this collection “valuable not just for those who could not be in attendance but for people… who attended every one of these. There is much here that is worth re-reading with care and pondering in quiet, personal, unhurried times.” Includes the Berry Street Essay by Rev. Donald E. Robinson and the response by Rev. Art McDonald, the Ware Lecture by Eboo Patel, and sermons from the Service of the Living Tradition (Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern) and the Sunday morning worship service (Rev. William F. Schulz).
UU World Coverage
UU World provided timely reports and articles on their GA Blog, illustrated by some striking selections from their Photostream on Flickr. UU World on Twitter sent up-to-the-minute news during major GA events.
Audio Recordings
Recordings can be purchased and are free to GA attendees.
Video and Transcripts from Assembly-Wide Events
Coverage includes on-demand video and transcripts for major events. For reference, you may still download the full GA 2013 Program (PDF, 140 pages).
Association Business & Social Witness
For annual reports, plenary coverage, and social justice statements, go to the Business & Social Witness page.
- Opening Celebration and Plenary I
Plenary Video and Script, Reports from UU World - Plenary II
Plenary Video, Reports from UU World - Plenary III, Worship, and Public Witness
Plenary & Witness Video and Script, Report from UU World - Plenary IV
Plenary Video, Reports from UU World - Plenary V
Plenary Video, Report from UU World - Plenary VI
Plenary Video, Reports from UU World - Plenary VII
Plenary Video, Reports from UU World - Plenary VIII
Plenary Video, Reports from UU World - Plenary IX
Plenary Video, Reports from UU World
- Thursday Morning Worship: Cross Cultural Worship
Worship Video and Script - Friday Morning Worship: Broken Vows, Whole Lives
Worship Video and Script - Sing
Music Video - Synergy, All-GA Bridging Worship
Worship Video and Script, Report from UU World - Saturday Morning Worship: In Global Covenant
Worship Video and Script - Service of the Living Tradition
Worship Video and Script, Report from UU World - Sunday Morning Worship
Worship Video and Script - Closing Celebration
Worship Video
Ware Lecture
- Ware Lecture by Eboo Patel: Standing Your Sacred Ground
Lecture Video and Script
Video is available for some workshops and presentations, and organizers may submit slides or other materials for inclusion on Workshops at GA 2013.
Technical Notes
Due to copyright restrictions on music used during GA, plenary videos can be viewed on UUA.org but we cannot provide them for download or on DVD.