General Assembly 2018 Online

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. General Assembly 2018 (June 20-24) took place in Kansas City, MO, and online.

On-Demand Video, Transcripts, and Workshop Materials

Coverage includes on-demand video and text captured from the live-captioners for major events, and handouts or other presentation materials for workshops.

Workshop presenters may submit materials to; do not submit copyrighted materials unless you own the copyright and grant the UUA the right to reproduce them without restriction.


Ware Lecture

Public Witness



Faith Formation

Lay Leadership


Racial Justice

Staffing Practices

Social Justice

Poster Sessions

Posters on various topics were available for viewing/discussing in the Exhibit Hall.

UU World Coverage

UU World provided timely reports and articles on their GA Blog, illustrated by some striking selections from their Photostream on Flickr. Follow @UUWorld on Twitter for up-to-the-minute UU news.

Association Business & Social Witness

General session coverage and social justice statements are published on GA 2018 Business & Social Witness. See also: Annual Reports, GA 2018, updates from the Commission on Social Witness: CSW Alerts, and Public Witness at General Assembly.

All Are Called

UUA General Assembly Off-site Participation: Kansas City, Missouri | 2018