Salt Lake City 1999
Fulfilling the Promise: To Help One Another
Salt Lake City, UT, June 24-29
Welcome to General Assembly (GA) 1999! We're proud to bring you highlights of the 1999 Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) General Assembly, attended by over 3600 people, as well as selected coverage of pre- and post-GA activities. Have something to add to our coverage? We appreciate all submissions.
Every event we managed to cover, including pre-GA activities, is listed here, sorted by the day it occurred, with a summary report for each day. Additional listings may be accessed by sponsoring organization and type of event (worships, workshops, etc). Archival materials include the entire GA Program, with links to those events with more complete coverage, and the time grid of GA activities.
General Assembly 1999 online is produced by the UUA's Office of Electronic Communication, with the support of the Information Services Office and the UUA's Electronic Communication Committee as well as many volunteers. See the list of Personnel for GA 99. Special thanks to CMI Communications of Rochester, NY, for their generous help with video and audio for the Plenary Hall events; and to the GA Planning Committee for their assistance and support.
We welcome your comments and feedback on General Assembly and this website coverage, and have already begun our planning for the Nashville 2000 GA!
Questions? If you have questions about GA, contact the GA Office. If you have questions about a specific session, please contact the sponsoring organization for the particular session.
Coverage by Day
Thursday, June 24: Opening Celebration
Friday, June 25: General Assembly Gets Down to Work
Saturday, June 26: Focus Programming and more
Sunday, June 27: Service of the Living Tradition and more
Monday, June 28: Wrapping Up
Pre- and Post-General Assembly
UUMA/CENTER Ministry Days
Extension Ministry Days
Stewardship Conference
"To Be of Use"
"The Names I Call Myself: Weaving the Beloved Community"
Youth Caucus Breaks Attendance Records! by Chris Trace
GA Notebook, by Carol Agate
The Exhibit Hall: A list of UUA Bookstore bestsellers
Parade of Banners of UU congregations
List of GA programs: Sorted by presenting organization, with links to additional coverage