Widening the Circle

Welcome to the new home for congregations and leaders implementing the recommendations of the Commission on Institutional Change (COIC) Report!
The UUA is embarking on the next phase of this journey and has formed a working group to guide the implementation of the Report. We invite you to work together with us and imagine creative ways your congregation can take up these important practices for culture change.
As the Commissioners noted, everything that has come to pass during this pandemic has only reinforced how urgently we are in need of transformation:
This crisis has revealed the disparities that exist at all levels for the well-being for Black people, Indigenous people, and other people of color as well as for LGBTQ individuals, people living with limited economic means, and people living with disabilities. Addressing them within our faith becomes more important, not less.
-- Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick-Gray, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association
Study/Action Guide
We’re excited to announce the release of a Study/Action Guide to the Widening the Circle of Concern report! Many of you are looking for ways to bring the hard work and findings of the COIC into the life of your congregation or UU community. This new guide provides 11 session outlines for a group or taskforce in your congregation to break down the various components and recommendations of the original report.
More than a discussion guide, this Study/Action provides framing and helpful hints on how your community can actively participate in transformative liberation. Widening the Circle is joyful change work that’s deeply rooted in our shared UU theology. We hope that engaging this guide offers your community an opportunity for meaningful connection during this time of isolation. The UUA offers many thanks to the commissioners and professional group leaders who came together quickly to develop this additional resource.
Sign up below to receive your copy of the Study/Action Guide. You'll also receive email updates as we announce new learning opportunities, resources, and shared insights (you may optionally opt out from further communication). Join us as we continue the work of co-creating a transformative faith!
Map of Widening the Circle Study/Actions
The strength of our association is found in the connections we make with each other. Share how your congregation or UU community is engaging with the Commission on Institutional Change's report. How are your people embodying a commitment to collective transformation and liberation?
Essential Reading
The Report of the UUA Commission on Institutional Change analyzes structural and systemic racism and white supremacy culture within Unitarian Universalism and makes recommendations to advance long-term change.
Equipping for the Journey
Over the course of three years, the Commission on Institutional Change developed and curated many discussion guides, videos, and presentations. Soon, we'll be moving these resources here so you can easily access it all in one place. For the time being, you'll find them on the Commission's page.