General Assembly: GA Presentations: Presenter views and opinions do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the UUA.

General Assembly 2015 in Portland, Oregon

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. The theme for GA 2015 in Portland, OR (June 24-28) was "Building a New Way."

Video, Scripts, and Workshop Materials

Coverage includes on-demand video and text captured from the live captioners for major events, and handouts or other presentation materials for workshops. Presenters may submit workshop materials for inclusion on this site to Do not submit copyrighted materials (unless you own the copyright and grant the UUA the right to reproduce them without restriction).

For reference, you may still download the GA 2015 Program (PDF, 156 pages).

Ware Lecture

Public Witness

Worship & Music

Association Business & Social Witness

Annual reports, general session agendas, and social justice statements are published on GA 2015 Business & Social Witness.


Find more information in the GA 2015 Program (PDF, 156 pages).

Right-click or tap-hold links to MP3 files to download them. On most browsers, a simple tap or click will open an audio player.



Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression


Commission on Social Witness


Climate Justice

Congregational Polity

Commission on Social Witness

Economic Justice and Class

Ethical Eating

Innovation and Growth


Justice in Action

Leadership and Professional Development

Mosaic Makers




Pastoral Care/Right Relationship

Religious Education

Religious Professionals

Sexuality and Gender

Stewardship and Socially Responsible Investing


Theology and Spiritual Development


Youth and Young Adults

UU World Coverage

UU World provided timely reports and articles on their GA Blog, illustrated by some striking selections from their Photostream on Flickr. UU World on Twitter provided up-to-the-minute news during major GA events.

Unitarian Universalists celebrate Supreme Court marriage decision, June 26, 2015. UUA President Peter Morales invited same-sex married couples and those couples now able to become legally married onto the stage at General Assembly.

Unitarian Universalists at General Assembly celebrated the historic U.S. Supreme Court decision for marriage equality on June 26, 2015. The beginning of General Session III included a stage full of joyful LGBTQ people and supporters.

Elandria Williams speaks at the "PRO" microphone for the 2015 #BlackLivesMatter AIW.

The General Assembly passed an Action of Immediate Witness to support the Black Lives Matter movement. Elandria Williams (at microphone) spoke on behalf of the proposed Action during General Session VI.