Charlotte 2011
Unitarian Universalists (UUs) gathered in Charlotte, NC, and online for the 50th annual General Assembly (GA), June 22-26, 2011.
Video was provided here and on our Livestream channel, where online attendees could RSVP for upcoming video events, participate in instant chat with other viewers, and read tweets from everyone using the #uuaga hashtag.
UU World Coverage of GA 2011
UU World provided timely reports and articles on their GA Blog, illustrated by some striking selections from their Photostream on Flickr. UU World on Twitter provided up-to-the-minute news during major GA events.
- Guide to UU World's 2011 General Assembly Coverage
- Video Reports from the 2011 General Assembly
- Photographs from the 2011 General Assembly
Event Video, Reports, and Handouts
Presenters may submit workshop materials to
If you plan to host a GA screening at your congregation or home, go to our technical notes for tips and testing instructions. Take our video survey to give feedback on this year's GA video.
Association Business & Social Witness
For annual reports, detailed plenary agendas, vote results, and social justice statements, go to GA 2011 Business & Social Witness. Video, transcripts, and captioning are available for each plenary session.
- 1013 Opening Celebration and Plenary I
- 2002 Plenary II
- 3003 Plenary III
- 4003 Plenary IV
- 4020 Plenary V
- 5005 Plenary VI
- 5008 Plenary VII
Public Witness
- 3062 Standing on the Side of Love with LGBT People Everywhere!
Video, Transcript, and Report
Worship & Music
- 2065 Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF) Worship Service
Video and Transcript - 2095 Service of the Living Tradition
Video and Transcript - 3002 Friday Morning Worship
Video and Transcript - 3044 Honoring Service: Worship with UUs in the Military
Video, Transcript, and Order of Service - 3063 New Epiphany Revival
Video, Transcript, and Report - 3063 Synergy Bridging Worship
Video, Transcript, and Report - 4002 Saturday Morning Worship
Video and Transcript - 4021 50 Years of UU Music
Video and Transcript - 5002 Morning Song
Video and Transcript - 5003 Sunday Morning Worship
Video, Transcript, and Report - 5009 Closing Celebration
Video, Transcript, and Report
Ware Lecture
- 4022 Ware Lecture Delivered by Karen Armstrong
Video and Transcript
Congregational Management
- Church Office: Staffing
- 2054 Evaluating Ministry in Congregations
- 2054 Evaluating Ministry in Congregations
- Communications
- 3048 Media Skills for Changemakers
Video and Transcript
- 3048 Media Skills for Changemakers
- Finance
- Governance
- 3008 Redefining Congregations Video
Religious Education
- Adults
- 2014 “The Adventure of Becoming”—Dynamic RE for All
- 2014 “The Adventure of Becoming”—Dynamic RE for All
- Multigenerational
- 2053 Making Space in the Center: Creating Multigenerational Community
Slides and Handout - 3054 How to Offer Successful Multi-Age Mission Projects
- 2053 Making Space in the Center: Creating Multigenerational Community
Social Justice
- 2009 Moral Imagination: 50 Years of UU Social Justice
Video and Transcript - 2024 50 Years of UU Sexual Justice
Video and Transcript - 3029 UUA’s Standing on the Side of Love Campaign
Video and Transcript - Economic & Racial Justice
- 2062 Roadmap to Racial Equity: Allies in Today’s World
Video and Transcript
- 2062 Roadmap to Racial Equity: Allies in Today’s World
- Environmental Justice
- 2088 Connecting Environmental Justice and Immigration
Video, Transcript, and Handouts - 3046 The Welcome Table: Common Ground on Ethical Eating
Video and Transcript - 4011 Greeley Award Sermon: Ethical Aspects of Climate Change
Video and Transcript
- 2088 Connecting Environmental Justice and Immigration
- Immigration
- 2026 Common Read, Common Reflection, Common Action on Immigration
Video and Transcript - 2079 July 29: Standing on the Side of Love in Phoenix
Video and Transcript - 4004 Love Has No Borders: Border Realities and Immigration Today
Video and Transcript
- 2026 Common Read, Common Reflection, Common Action on Immigration
- International Justice
- 3004 A Spark of Freedom in the Muslim World
Video and Transcript
- 3004 A Spark of Freedom in the Muslim World
- LGBT Welcome & Equality
- 2018 Crossing Paths: Transgender Welcome and Ministry
Handouts - 2082 Countering Religious Bullying Aimed at LGBT Youth
- 2018 Crossing Paths: Transgender Welcome and Ministry
UUA Governance
- 2030 Meet the UUA Presidents
Video and Transcript
Audio and Video for Purchase
Audio recordings of almost all GA programs and DVDs of all major GA worships are available for purchase.
The Planning Committee encourages your comments on all aspects of GA—from individual programs to the overall quality. The GA Planning Committee reviews the surveys and uses your input to improve GA.