General Assembly Registration

Join us June 18 - 22 for General Assembly 2025. The 64th UUA General Assembly will be a multi-platform event with the main stage at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland. Google map

Multiplatform and One-day registrants will receive a GA Name Badge to identify one another at in-person events on the General Assembly Schedule. Meals are not included. Multiplatform Registrants will receive access to the 2025 General Assembly Event App, Whova, including interactive and on-demand video content, the virtual exhibit hall, and networking. Business-only registrants will have access to the online Delegate Participation Platform, but not to the Whova event app or in-person events.

All registrants agree to adhere to our event covenant.

Registration for GA 2025 will be available December 2024.

2025 GA Registration RatesThrough
March 30
April 1 - May 15After May 15
Adult Full-Time Multiplatform$410$475$540
Reduced Rate* and Youth Full-Time Multi-Platform$275$340$350
One-Day Onsite (no event app)$250$300$350
Business-Only Online
(delegate platform only)
$150 / Opt-Out$150 / Opt-Out$150 / Opt-Out
Children** (0 - 9th grade)$0 with registered adult$0 with registered adult$0 with registered adult

*Reduced rates are offered to: Emerging Adults (age 18-24), UUA Aspirant & Candidate Ministers, Retired Ministers & Spouses, and Surviving Spouses of Ministers.

**Children who haven't yet entered high school (or its equivalent) are welcome to attend GA events with their parents or guardians at no cost, but are still required to register. 

Registrations must be for specific individuals and are non-transferable. Each registrant should have a unique email address. Once registered, you will be sent email confirmation from You may cancel a GA registration by replying to your registration confirmation or contacting the GA Registrar at

You may register through February 28 with a down payment of $50 by selecting the Early Bird Payment Plan at checkout. Make subsequent payments at your pace; all registration orders must be paid in full by May 15 or are subject to cancellation.

ASL interpretation is available for General Sessions, Major Worships, and Featured Speakers. Some live GA events are presented with live human captioning; some are presented with automated captioning. Automated captions are edited before being posted with the event recording. More about accessibility services.


Join our First Timers Caucus. If this will be your first ever GA, use the promo code WELCOME100 to reduce your registration cost by $100. One hundred are available. Cannot be combined with other promo codes; one code per registration order.

Those who hold a historically marginalized identity (e.g., BIPOC, LGBTQ+, disabled) and have financial hardship may use the promo code INCLUSION100 to to reduce the cost of registration by $100. One hundred are available. Cannot be combined with other promo codes; one code per registration order.

Additional financial support for participation is available.

Registration Is Required for All Participants

All participants in General Assembly programmed events, in-person or online, must be registered.

Multiplatform registrants receive access to live and live-streamed events, networking tools, pre-recorded content, and the exhibit hall.

Registration is required for program presenters, invited guests, performers, office support staff, relatives, hosts, and dignitaries. This policy is consistent with our principle of equity and avoids arbitrary distinctions.

Online Programming Available for Public Viewing: General Sessions and Sunday Morning Worship will be streamed live on and YouTube. The Ware Lecture, Service of the Living Tradition, and Synergy Bridging Worship will not be available for public live-stream or on-demand viewing.

In-person Programming Open to the Public: The Sunday Morning Worship will be open to the public. Multiplatform or one-day registration is required to attend the Ware Lecture, Service of the Living Tradition, and Synergy Bridging Worship.

Voting Delegates

Delegates must register for GA to vote on business and agenda items. Delegates have three options for participation:

  1. Full-Time Multiplatform
    Multiplatform registration is required for access to in-person and virtual GA programming, including workshops, worship services, the Ware Lecture, featured speakers, opening and closing celebrations, exhibits, entertainment, and networking. Multiplatform registration includes access to GA 2025 on the Whova event app. Delegates will use the GA Delegate Platform for discussion and voting during General Sessions. Registration is the same process for delegates and non-delegates; delegates may register before or after determining their delegate status.
  2. One-Day Onsite
    Single-day in-person registration does not include access to GA 2025 on the Whova event app. Delegates who are registered as one-day onsite participants may participate in that day's General Sessions in person, and any or all General Sessions online. Delegates will use the GA Delegate Platform for discussion and voting during General Sessions.
  3. Business-Only Online
    Business-only registration provides access to the GA Delegate Platform for discussion and voting during General Sessions. A $150 contribution to offset production and platform costs is suggested. Business-only registrants will have access to delegate discussion spaces but will not have access to GA programming, the GA app, networking opportunities, or the exhibit hall.

Supporting the Congregation's Delegates

Congregations are encouraged to use registration Gift Certificates to support their delegates’ participation. Here’s how it might work:

  • Congregation purchases registration Gift Certificate for each delegate: $150
  • Business-Only Registration Cost: $150 suggested
  • Multiplatform Registration Cost: $410

Delegates can use the gift certificate in two ways:

  1. Business-Only Registration: If they choose this option, the $150 gift certificate covers the entire registration cost, so it’s effectively free for them.
  2. Multiplatform Registration: If delegates prefer the multiplatform registration, which costs $410, they can apply the $150 gift certificate to reduce their registration fee to $260.

This method allows delegates to either participate at no cost if they choose the business-only registration, or significantly lower the cost of multiplatform registration, making programming more accessible to those who will be representing their congregations as delegates.

Gift certificates can be purchased in any amount, so the congregation might decide it can support delegates in greater or lesser amounts, as its budget allows.

If the congregation is paying the full cost of registration for its delegation, another method is to instruct everyone to register themselves and indicate at checkout that they will be mailing a check in (allows them to submit a registration order without payment), and then forward their email registration confirmations to the congregation's administrator. Orders can be bundled together and a single check mailed, or contact the GA registrar to have the "bill-to" account on any order switched to a congregation's administrator so they can use Visa, MasterCard, or Electronic Check payment to pay for orders via the GA Payment Portal.