Cleveland 2001
Fulfilling the Promise
Cleveland, OH, June 21-25
Complete Program (PDF, 46 pages)
Unitarian Universalist Association Elections
- Worship Service Concluding the Campaign, with President and Moderator Statements
Thursday, June 21
Friday, June 22
- 2003 Plenary II
- 2006 Una Sola Tristeza
- 2007 Church Office Basics
- 2016 Transformational Leadership: Skills and Knowledge
- 2033 The Journey Has Heart and Soul! with D'Knowledge
- 2049 Social Witness in Worship
- 2055 A UU Family and the Death Penalty
- 2057 One Congregation's Journey of Racial Reconciliation
- 2058 Forever Young: Worship for All Ages
- 2075 Is There a Future for Men in UUism?
- 2081 About Your Congregation's Computer Systems
Saturday, June 23
- 3002 Saturday Morning Worship
- 3003 Plenary III
- 3015 Jefferson's Pillow
- 3032 The Burning Times Revisited
- 3058 The Canadian Unitarian Council and the Unitarian Universalist Association
- 3046 Swinging from the Garden Gate
- 3062 In Whose Honor: Indian Mascots in Sports and Advertising
- 3084 Preserving Our Past: Maintaining Church Archives
- 3088 Liberal Theology and the Problem of Evil
- 3101 Adin Ballou Peace Award: Voices in the Wilderness
Sunday, June 24
- 4003 Service of the Living Tradition
- 4004 Plenary IV
- 4024 Starr King President's Lecture
- 4035 The Ware Lecture, with Rev. Dr. James Forbes
Monday, June 25
- 5010 Socially Responsible Investing 101: A Fresh Approach
- 5013 Schweitzer Sermon Presentation
- 5014 Clarence Darrow Lives!
- 5017 What I Didn't Say in My Report, by John Buehrens
- 5022 Scouting Tears UU Consciences, Continued
- 5041 Berry St. Essay: Conducting a Public Ministry
- 5048 Monday Afternoon Worship
- 5049 Plenary V
- 5058 Closing Celebration