Social Witness in Worship
General Assembly 2001 Event 2049
"Have we won the war yet?" is the question Rev. Kate Rohde asks in her sermon, winner of the annual sermon contest sponsored jointly by the Commission on Social Witness and the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association. Rev. Rhode cites incarceration rates in the U.S. and the harm done to innocent civilians in Central America as two of many problems created by American polices. What we need, she says, is a reduction of harm through effective drug education programs, research, and treatment for the addicted. She sees irony in the acts of leading politicians who advocate punishment for relatively minor drug offenses then confess their own use of these same substances.
The Jubilee Singers from All Souls Church in Washington, DC, provided music for the service. Justin Whitaker, winner of the essay contest sponsored by Young Religious Unitarian Universalists and the Commission on Social Witness, lit the chalice. Whitaker's essay, "A Moral What?" is about responsible consumption.
The Commission on Social Witness sponsored the sermon contest jointly with the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association and the essay contest with Young Religious Unitarian Universalists. These contests will continue as annual events.
Reported by Betty Skwarek.