Thursday Morning Worship
General Assembly 2018 Event 202
Program Description
We are all called. The call comes from everywhere; from the past, the present, and the future. We are called by our ancestors, our children, and those who are yet to come to weave our lives together to continue the work of love and justice. We are called to weave a world of justice, peace, and beauty.
Todos somos llamados. El llamado viene de todos lados; del pasado, del presente y del futuro. Nos llaman nuestros antepasados, nuestros niños, y los que aún no son a tejer nuestras vidas jun-tos para continuar el trabajo del amor y la justicia. Somos llamados a tejer un mundo de justicia, paz y belleza.
- Leon Burke
- Francisco Ruiz
- Rev. Tania Márquez
- Rev. Katie Romano Griffin
- Rev. Claudia Jiménez
- Rev. Marta Valentín
- Francisco Ruiz
- Rev. Lilia Cuervo
- Christina Rivera
- Rev. María Uitti McCabe
Order of Service
- Lighting the Chalice
Called from the Past
- Singing Together
- Calling of the Ancestors and Naming
- Ancestral Poem
- Listening to the Song
Called from the Present
- Meditation
- Singing
- Reflections
Called from the Future
- A Story: The Gods Weave the World
- Weaving
- Singing
The following final draft script was completed before this event took place; actual words spoken may vary. Unedited live captions (TXT) were created during the event, and contain some errors. Captioning is not available for some copyrighted material.
Lighting the Chalice
Tania: De las alturas de los Andes, la selva y el desierto, de las profundidades del mar, de un tiempo que fue, de un tiempo que va más allá de nuestra memoria, somos llamados. Nuestras historias llegan hasta los primeros pueblos, los primeros pasos, el choque de mundos, a comienzos abruptos, todos somos nómadas de esta tierra. Hemos heredado el trabajo inconcluso de nuestros antepasados, de los que vinieron antes que nosotros. Somos llamados a continuar la labor…
Claudia: From the heights of the Andes, the jungle, and the desert, from the depth of the sea, from a time that was, from a time that stretches beyond our memory, we are called.
Our histories stretch back to the first people, the first steps, the collision of worlds, to abrupt beginnings, all wanderers of this land. We have inherited the unfinished labor of our ancestors, of those that came before us. We are called to continue the work…
Katie: Come, let us enter this space of hope and community.
Come, let us enter this space with our sorrows, our joys, our passion and compassion.
Come. let us enter this space with the stories of our ancestors, for their strength and wisdom beats in our hearts.
Come into this space, present to the beloved companions who move beside us.
Come into this space mindful that together we are building a future for other generations.
Come. Come into this space and let us worship together.
May the flame of this chalice, the symbol of our faith, connect us to all who have come before us, all who are with us in body and spirit, and all who are yet to come into being. May it serve as a reminder of our unity and connection across all time and space.
Francisco: "Ven, ven, cual eres ven"/"Come Come Whoever You Are"
Calling of the Ancestors and Naming
Marta: “Si No Fuera Por Ti-If Not For You”
We are named by our ancestors,
we are named for them,
and un día we will name others…
Prayers are whispered to us
in each breath we take
breaths that tell us everything awaits us
paths to traverse are opened
and make new ways for when we
are named “ancestro”.
To name today the people in our bones
who suffered next to their joy
is not to put pressure on ourselves
is not to seek pity from you
it is to honor that we are with them -
they would suffer now if they thought we felt alone.
No, we have invisible hands resting on our tired,
hunched shoulders
palms that nestle the small of our backs…
When we bow our heads, feeling unable to go on
abuela and abuelo’s hands
raise our faces and look to us
in mirrors designed to show our every shortcoming.
They look back and show us
every brow, nostril, dimple, cleft chin,
every muscle that forms into a smile of
acknowledgement, is a private communion
received to and from the body of familia.
Te llamamos now, we call you out
and into this time/space dimension
where we can love you out loud
among strangers, friends, and chosen family,
the faithful who have come to rest together
in one open corazon.
Si no fuera por ti, estas palabras no podríamos decir.
If not for you, these words we could not speak.
We call you out this moment, to express appreciation.
We call you out this moment, to thank you
for the blood that runs in our lifelines.
We call you out this moment, to tell you -
te oímos,
we hear you calling to us,
and to tell you -
we are always listening.
Francisco: Transitional song: "Soy Latino"
Tania: Las voces de nuestra gente nos llaman ahora, el mundo alberga sus alegrías y tristezas. Escuchamos el clamor de nuestra gente exigiendo justicia. En ese llamado reconocemos las voces de quienes deambulan en el desierto, los cruzadores de fronteras, los navegantes, los buscadores de justicia, los soñadores y los esperanzados. Tejemos nuestra historia con la historia de nuestros antepasados, aquí y ahora, estamos en el centro de responder a ese llamado que llega de todos los rincones de esta tierra...del sur, del norte, del este y oeste. Estamos llamados a sostener la labor...
Katie: The voices of our people call us now, the world harbors their joys and their sorrows. We hear the cries of our people demanding justice. In that call we recognize the voices of those who wander in the desert, the border crossers, the navigators, the justice-seekers, the dreamers, and the hopeful. We weave our story to the story of our ancestors, right here, right now, we are in the midst of responding to the call that comes from all the corners of this land…from the south, the north, the east, and the west. We are called to sustain the work…
María: Cierren los ojos
Oigan las voces que nos llaman
Close your eyes and hear the voices calling us
hold your arms up in prayer and praise
levanten los brazos
en oración y alabanza…
queridísima familia
most dearly beloved family
permitan que el llamado del presente
los impulse hacia la acción
que impulse su crecimiento
que dispare su coraje
allow the call of the present
to propel you into action
give wings to your growth
and fire your courage
Nada te turbe
May nothing disrupt you….
Congregational Singing: “Nada te turbe”
Youth A:
Youth B:
Lilia: Las voces de los que serán nos llaman... un recordatorio de quiénes debemos ser. En el tejer de nuestra historia a la red de la vida, debemos recordar no recortar los hilos pues habrá otros que vienen después. Otros con corazones generosos y fuertes voluntades, con determinación creativa; los que vivirán en la casa del mañana. Su visión se nos escapa. Aún así, somos llamados a preparar el camino, a dejar posibilidad como legado, y cimientos sobre los cuales construirán un mejor mañana. Somos llamados a crear oportunidades...
Christina: The voices of those who will be, call us; a reminder of who we need to be. In the weaving of our story to the web of life, we must remember that we must not cut the strings, for there are others coming after us. Others with tender hearts and strong wills, with creative determination; those who will live in the house of tomorrow. Their vision escapes us. Yet, we are called to prepare the road, to leave behind possibility, and foundations upon which they’ll build a better tomorrow. We are called to create new opportunities…
Story for All Ages: Los dioses tejen al mundo / “The Gods Weave the World”
By Claudia Jiménez and Jorge Espinel
Claudia: Cuenta la historia que hace muchos años los dioses empezaron a tejer el mundo.
Un hilo a la vez. El gran telar era nuestra madre tierra.
Youth: Once upon a time the gods created a great loom and started weaving the world: one thread at a time.
Claudia: Con cada hilo que entrelazaban formaban nuestro mundo
Y lo hacían cada vez más hermoso, colorido y lleno de vida
Youth: Each colorful, vibrant thread made the world more beautiful and full of life.
Claudia: Con los hilos verdes crearon las ranas y las iguanas.
Youth: The green threads became the frogs and the iguanas.
Claudia: Con los hilos azules crearon los ríos, el mar y el cielo.
Youth: The blue threads became the rivers, oceans, skies and rain.
Claudia: Con hilos de oro crearon el sol y el fuego.
Youth: Golden threads became fire and the sun.
Claudia: Usaron hilos cafés y verdes para crear los árboles
(e hilos de muchos colores para ponerles frutas y flores).
Youth: Hues of brown and green became trees. Brightly colored threads became fruits and flowers.
Claudia: Así también nacieron nuestros hermanos con alas:
los loros, las guacamayas, los tucanes
Y los nadadores como las ballenas y los delfines
Y nuestros hermanos de cuatro patas
Las vacas, los perros, los gatos, el tigrillo
Youth: And so, other multi colored threads were used to create a plethora of beings
Some with wings such as parrots, toucans and macaws
Others with four feet such as dogs, cats and cows
And swimmers like dolphins and whales
Claudia: Pero un día los dioses se cansaron, porque se quedaron sin ideas y quisieron crear algo que les ayudara a seguir construyendo el mundo.
Algo que además de vida tuviera ingenio y voluntad propia
Así que con un pedacito de hilo de cada color que existía crearon seres humanos
Y como fueron hechos de cada color, tenían la capacidad de crear cosas nuevas.
Youth: But one day, the gods got tired, and ran out if ideas, They decided to create helpers to continue their work. Using strands of every color they created beings with agency and ingenuity to continue weaving the world.
Claudia: Al principio todo iba muy bien y las cosas que creaban estaban en armonía con la vida, la paz y el amor.
Crearon la música, la pintura, el baile.
Sabían que eran parte del gran tejido y vivían en harmonía con el resto de la creación y la vida.
Y como tenían el poder de la vida y la creación se reprodujeron… trayendo cada vez más creadores al mundo.
Youth: At first, all beings lived in harmony with each other and with the earth. The helpers also created music, art, dance AND more helpers like themselves. They all knew they were part of the interdependent web of life woven by the gods.
Claudia: Pero de pronto-nadie sabe exactamente cómo- surgieron la envidia, la avaricia y el orgullo entre los seres humanos. Y los dioses se alejaron de ellos.
Youth: But suddenly, no one knows how, envy, greed and pride developed among them. And the gods turned aways from their creations.
Claudia: A los seres humanos se les olvidó que eran una parte del gran tejido de la vida y empezaron a tratar mal a la madre tierra. Cortaron sus árboles y contaminaron los ríos y el aire ; Y dejaron de respetar la vida de los hermanos del agua, de las hermanas con alas y los seres de cuatro patas.
Youth: The helpers and their offspring had forgotten they were part of the web of life. They polluted the rivers, cut down the trees and contaminated the air. They lost respect for life: the life of helpers and all the creatures the swim, fly, walk and burrow on the earth.
Claudia: Así nacieron las las guerra, las armas , la violencia y la crueldad.
Youth: Cruelty, violence and war emerged.
Claudia: Pero no a todos se les olvido… algunos siempre recordaron su origen y su compromiso de continuar tejiendo la creacion de un mundo de vida y belleza. Ellos luchaban por la paz y por el respeto al tejido de vida que une a todas las criaturas.
Youth: But not everyone forgot. Some remembered their connection and their task as co-creators of a world of life and beauty. They worked for peace, care and respect for the interconnected web of life.
Claudia: Y cada uno de nosotros tenemos la oportunidad de continuar tejiendo con amor y persistencia un mundo que afirma la vida, y aprecia y protege su belleza.
Youth: And as their descendants, we each have the opportunity to continue weaving with love and persistence a world that affirms life and appreciates and protects its beauty.
Ritual: Invitation to Weave Tapestry
María: El pasado, el presente y el futuro nos invitan
A entrelazar nuestras voces y nuestras historias
y continuar tejiendo con amor y persistencia
para crear una red interdependiente.
The past, the present and the future invite us
To intertwine our voices and our stories
to continue weaving with love and persistence
Into an interdependent web
Beloveds, weavers of our future
let us weave a tapestry of justice, courage and
and bind it with faith, hope and love
Compañeras y compañeros, tejedores de nuestro futuro
Vamos a tejer un tapiz de justicia, valor y determinación
Ligado con nuestra fé, esperanza y amor.
If you did not receive a length of ribbon when you came in this morning,
please take one on your way out.
This is our invitation to all of you
to add to the tapestry we have begun
At any time during your days at General Assembly.
It will be in the hallway…
you may decorate your ribbon, write your name on it or even a prayer
Si no recibieron un pedazo de cinta cuando entraron esta mañana
por favor, recojan una a la salida.
Les invitamos a todos que añadan su cinta a nuestro tapiz
En cualquier momento de nuestra Asamblea General.
Escriban su nombre, si desean, o quizás una oración.
Band/Francisco: “Solo le pido a Dios” / “I Only Ask of God”
Be the ones who don’t forget they’ve been called to weave a better world. Go in peace, be blessed and bless the world. And amen, yes, amen, love each other, love the world, that’s what we have been called to do. Amén.