Business & Social Witness
All business of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) General Assembly (GA) is conducted in Plenary sessions. Mini-Assemblies offer opportunities in small sessions for delegates to speak on issues, find out more about individual business items before a vote in plenary, and propose amendments to the business item or social witness statement. The Board of Trustees or the Commission on Social Witness may move amendments to business items as a result of discussion in Mini-Assemblies.
GA Minutes (PDF, 26 pages)
Business Agenda (PDF, 24 pages)
Opening Celebration and Plenary I (Wednesday, June 19)
- Welcome New Congregations
- Introduction: Youth Caucus and Young Adult Caucus Managers
- Making GA 2013 More Accessible
- Introduction: Right Relationship Team
- Plenary II (Thursday, June 20)
- Presentation from the Journey Toward Wholeness Transformation Committee
- Report of the GA Planning Committee
- Statements from Candidates for the GA Planning Committee
- Report of the UUA President Rev. Peter Morales
- Statements from Candidates for the Presidential Search Committee
- Plenary III, Worship, and Public Witness (Thursday, June 20)
- Accessibilities for the Witness Event
- Recess to Worship and Witness
- Moderator Candidates Forum (Thursday, June 20)
- Plenary IV (Friday, June 21)
- Chalice Lighting and Recognition of District Presidents
- Preliminary Credentials Report for GA 2013
- Introductions: International Guests
- Remarks from Rev. Rebecca Sienes, President of the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Philippines
- Report from the Partner Church Council
- Report of the Nominating Committee
- Statements from Candidates for the Nominating Committee
- Report from Beacon Press
- Celebration of Service: Kay Montgomery
- Budget Report
- Recognition of Departed Donors
- Financial Advisor’s Report
- Statement from the Candidate for Financial Advisor
- Report of the Commission on Appraisal
- Statements from Candidates for the Commission on Appraisal
- Report of the Commission on Social Witness
- Statements from Candidates for the Commission on Social Witness
- Statements from Candidates for the Board of Review
- Remarks from a Dreamer
- Debate and Vote on the Proposed Statement of Conscience: Immigration as a Moral Issue (Passed)
- Plenary V (Friday, June 21)
- Update: Transforming Governance for the Second Half Century
- Special Collection to Support the Work in Greater New Orleans
- Recess to Breakout Discussions and Tweetchat
- Plenary VI (Saturday, June 22)
- Update on the 2011 Statement of Conscience: Ethical Eating
- Update on UU Legislative Ministries
- Presentation of the President’s Award for Volunteer Service
- Selection of Potential Actions of Immediate Witness
- Presentation of the Distinguished Service Award
- Report of the UUA Board of Trustees
- Statements by Candidates for the UUA Board of Trustees
- Debate and Vote on Proposed Amendment to Enable Regions: Bylaw Section C-3.6, 13.1, 13.2, 13.4, and Rule G-13.2.1
- Debate and Vote on Proposed Bylaw Changes to Bylaw Section 3.1: Member Congregations
- Voting to Admit Potential Actions of Immediate Witness to the Agenda
- Plenary VII (Saturday, June 22)
- Debate and Vote on Proposed Changes to Section C-2.3 Regarding Inclusion
- Debate and Vote on Proposed Changes to Support Electronic Voting: Bylaws Section 9.10 and Rules G-9.13.4 and G-9.13.5
- Plenary VIII (Sunday, June 23)
- UU Service Committee Report
- UU Women’s Federation Report
- Celebration of Tapestry of Faith
- Debate and Vote on Proposed Changes to Articles V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX, and Related Rules Concerning Elections, Appointments, and Committees
- Plenary IX (Sunday, June 23)
- Presentation from the Journey Toward Wholeness Transformation Committee
- Debate/Vote on Actions of Immediate Witness
- Debate and Vote on Proposed Amendments to Sections 7.7, 7.8, C-10.6, and C-10.7 Regarding Provisions Concerning Investments
- Update: Faithful Risk Project
- Reflections on Covenant
- Summary of Reports on Fifth Principle
- Moderator’s Report
- Responsive Resolutions (if any)
- Invitation to the GA 2014 in Providence
- Final Credentials and Announcements
Public Witness
The 2013 Public Witness event at General Assembly occurred on the evening of Thursday, June 20. The witness focussed on Environmental Justice. Wendell Berry participated. The public event was proceeded by an all-GA worship in the convention center.
Ware Lecture
In the 2013 Ware Lecture, renowned interfaith leader Eboo Patel discussed the art and science of interfaith work, showing us that Americans from George Washington to Martin Luther King Jr. have been “interfaith leaders.” Sharing stories from the frontlines of interfaith activism, he brings to life the growing body of research on how faith can be a bridge of cooperation rather than a barrier.
Social Justice Statements
Read the final text of all 2013 social justice statements.
Statement of Conscience (Immigration as a Moral Issue)
Discussion of the proposed UUA Statement of Conscience (Immigration as a Moral Issue) took place in the Mini-Assembly on Thursday. Amendments were introduced as called for at the Mini-Assembly. The vote to adopt was passed at a Plenary Session.
2012 Congregational Study/Action Issue (Reproductive Justice: Expanding Our Social Justice Calling)
No vote was taken this year on the Congregational Study/Action Issue (CSAI) that was chosen at the 2012 General Assembly (Reproductive Justice: Expanding Our Social Justice Calling). There was a lecture on the topic offered Friday.
Actions of Immediate Witness
Proposed Actions of Immediate Witness (AIWs) had to be posted in the Commission on Social Witness (CSW) exhibit booth by 5:00 p.m. EDT on Thursday, June 20. The complete AIW, along with the requisite delegate signatures, had to be filed in the GA Office by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 21. Prior to voting on adoption on Sunday, preliminary action on AIWs was taken in Plenary Session on Saturday. Mini-Assemblies discussed the proposed AIWs and offered amendments on Saturday.
Amend the Constitution: Corporations are not Persons and Money is not Speech
- From UU World: AIW Passes Urging End to Corporate Personhood
- Condemn the Racist Mistreatment of Young People of Color by Police
- From UU World: Delegates Oppose Institutional Racism with AIW
- Consider Divestment from the Fossil Fuel Industry
- From UU World: Passed: Fossil Fuel Divestment AIW
Responsive Resolutions
Responsive Resolutions proposed during the 2013 General Assembly were discussed during Plenary IX.
Proposed Bylaw and Rule Amendments
Read the Proposed Bylaw Amendments (PDF, 136 pages; read pages 85-95).
- Delegates Adopt Amendments to Elections Bylaws
- Delegates Approve Article II Bylaw Changes
- Delegates Approve Bylaw Changes About Electronic Voting
- Delegates Approve Bylaw Changes Adding Regions
Annual Reports to the General Assembly
The following documents are in PDF format.
- Board of Trustees (3 pages)
- Commission on Appraisal (6 pages)
- Financial Advisor (10 pages)
- Independent Auditor (32 pages)
- Financial Advisor (8 pages)
- Ministerial Fellowship Committee (3 pages)
- Religious Education Credentialing Committee (2 pages)
- UUA Staff (40 pages)
- UU Women's Federation (2 pages)
- UUA Health Plan Audit (19 pages)
More Information
- GA Clean Energy Rally Draws Attention from EPA
- GA Ends in Celebration, Installation of New Leaders
- Delegates Donate $16k to New Orleans Congregations
- Courter Urges Assembly to Set the UUA’s Vision
- Ministry Fund Created in Courter’s Honor
- 3,426 People Participated in Louisville GA
- Recommitting to Antiracism, Thanking Gini Courter
- Passed: Fossil Fuel Divestment AIW
- Delegates Oppose Institutional Racism with AIW
- AIW Passes Urging End to Corporate Personhood
- GA Celebrates Completion of ‘Tapestry of Faith’
- Delegates Adopt Amendments to Elections Bylaws
- Texts of Today’s Draft Actions of Immediate Witness
- Key Wins Moderator Election by 40 Votes
- Delegates Approve Article II Bylaw Changes
- Delegates Approve Bylaw Changes About Electronic Voting
- Three Proposed AIWs Added to 2013 Agenda
- Delegates Approve Bylaw Changes Adding Regions
- Rev. Mel Hoover receives Distinguished Service Award
- Delegates Consider Six AIW Proposals
- Charlie King Receives President’s Award for Volunteer Service
- GA Welcomes International Guests
- Eboo Patel Urges Interfaith Involvement
- Candidates Make Final Appeal in Moderator Race
- General Assembly Imagines its Future, on Twitter!
- District Board Wants to Delay its Business Resolution
- Delegates Pass Immigration as a Moral Issue Statement of Conscience
- Commission on Appraisal Report Explores Authority
- Board, Financial Advisor Report on Budgets
- Divestment, Shareholder Advocacy Hot Topic at GA
- Plenary Honors Retiring Kay Montgomery
- Article II Change Recommended by Mini-Assembly
- Making Congregations Safer and More Sexually Responsible
- Preliminary Report Shows 3,256 People Registered for GA
- On Banks of Ohio River, UUs Rally for Clean Energy
- ‘Unitarian Universalism Well Situated for Challenging Times’
- Trustees Meet for Last Time as 25-Member Board
- UUA Welcomes One New Congregation at 2013 GA
- New Rules Approved for Ministers’ Relationships
- Board Considers Impact of Biennial General Assemblies; Young Adults and People of Color Express Concerns
- Candidates Announced for 2013 UUA Elections
- 2013 General Assembly Will See More Plenary Time and Focus on Covenants