Board of Review
Charge to the Committee
Established by: UUA Bylaws Section 11.8 and 12.8
The Board of Review hears appeals from ministers or credentialed religious educators who have had their final fellowship or credentialing status terminated by the Ministerial Fellowship Committee or the Religious Education Credentialing Committee. No appeal is allowed from the Board of Review’s decision. The Board of Review shall make rules to carry out this intent.
Oversight: Executive Vice President
Staff Liaison: Carey McDonald
Membership: The Board of Review shall consist of eight members as follows:
- Three members who are ministers, each of whom at the time of election is in final ministerial fellowship with the Association and has held such fellowship continuously for the preceding seven years.
- One member who is a credentialed religious educator, masters level.
- Four members who are not ministers, each of whom at the time of election is a member of a certified member society and has been a member of one or more such for not less than three years as an officer of a member of the governing bodies of one or more such congregations.
Election and Term: One member of the Board of Review who is neither a minister nor a credentialed religious educator shall be elected at each regular General Assembly held in an odd-numbered year, as well as one member who is either a minister in final fellowship or a credentialed religious educator-masters level and each shall serve for terms of eight years and until their successors are elected and qualified.
Qualifications: No member of the Board of Review shall, during the term of office, be a member of the Ministerial Fellowship Committee, the Religious Education Credentialing Committee or hold any salaried position in the Association. Members must be a member of a member congregation.
Removal: A member of the Board of Review may be removed without hearing by the vote of six other members.
Time commitment: As needed.