UUA Finances
The Treasurer is the Chief Financial Officer of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and is responsible for all of its financial affairs. Under the direct oversight of the Investment Committee, the Treasurer manages the assets of the Unitarian Universalist Common Endowment Fund (UUCEF). The UUCEF includes the endowments of the Association and many member congregations and associated organizations. The Treasurer also monitors the Association’s investments to ensure their compliance with socially responsible investing guidelines set by the Board of Trustees.
The UUA's income is derived from UUCEF earnings as well as the fundraising efforts overseen by UUA's Stewardship and Development staff group. The Stewardship and Development staff group encourages financial support and stewardship for Unitarian Universalism, raising funds for UUA services, programs, and outreach. Stewardship and Development programs include the Annual Program Fund, Friends of the UUA, Charitable Gift and Estate Planning, and Capital Campaigns.
The Treasurer is responsible for overseeing the UUA's annual audit and other financial reports as issued by the Financial Services staff group.
With the guidance of the Congregational Properties and Loan Commission, the Treasurer advises member congregations in matters involving mortgages and other financing for their property. The office administers denominational assistance, such as building loans, loan guarantees, new site loans, and grants to member congregations.
In cooperation with the Compensation, Benefits, and Pension Committee, the Treasurer administers a 401(a) multiple-employer-defined contribution plan.