Commission on Social Witness
The Commission’s charge is to oversee the collective social witness process among Unitarian Universalist Association member congregations and groups. Social witness is the act of courageously affirming what is just and good through speech and action that demonstrates solidarity with those who are marginalized;collective social witness collaboratively imagines and embodies social witness for collective liberation.
We envision a faith engaging in multigenerational, multicultural, accessible, social witness that is in relationship with what is emerging in social justice movements within and beyond Unitarian Universalism, enabling us to live into discomfort and to adapt into a healing, transformative reality.
To amplify emerging social action, promote connections, and nurture accountable social witness across the Association.
We pursue our vision and mission in accountable relationships that seek equitable empowerment with people and groups most impacted by oppression, hate, and violence. Together, we celebrate how seeking justice in new ways of relating brings joy to the process of collective social witness.
The CSW works primarily by facilitating two different types of social witness statements: Statements of Conscience (SOCs), which arise from Congregational Study/Action Issues, and Actions of Immediate Witness (AIWs).
- Congregational Study/Action Issues (CSAIs) are issues selected by Unitarian Universalist member congregations for two years of study, reflection and action. In the third year of this process, delegates at the General Assembly (GA) can vote to approve a Statement of Conscience (SOC) resulting from two years of congregational feedback on the CSAI.
- Actions of Immediate Witness (AIWs) express the conscience and carry the authority of the delegates at the GA at which it is passed. AIWs are initiated by individual delegates and move through their entire creation and adoption process during a single GA.
See The Guide for Proposals (PDF updated 2024)
The 1984 General Assembly in Columbus, OH, established the Commission on General Resolutions. The 1996 General Assembly in Indianapolis, IN, changed the name to the Commission on Social Witness and approved other terminology and process.
The Commission on Social Witness (CSW) is made up of five members, three elected by the General Assembly and two appointed by the Board of Trustees, for a term of four years. The current commissioner is:
- Sharon Welch, term expires 2027
- Rev. C. Nancy Reid-McKee, term expires 2027
- Rev. Dr. Cynthia Landrum, term expires 2027
This covenant for the CSW was affirmed Aug. 7, 2018:
As we endeavor to do the best possible work on behalf of Unitarian Universalist congregations and the UUA principles they have affirmed, we covenant to be in right relationship with one another by:
- finding the holy within each of us;
- listening to understand; acknowledging and articulating discomfort when it arises;
- being honest and open about our personal biases;
- respecting the contributions and circumstances of one another;
- trusting one another’s good intentions and commitment to our work;
- affirming different learning and working styles; and
- grounding our relationships and work in the practices of anti-racism and anti- oppression.
We covenant to hold ourselves and one another accountable by referring to these commitments during process observations at the end of each convening.
Bylaws & Minutes
Unitarian Universalist Association Bylaws under which the Commission on Social Witness operates:
- Section 5.10 Commission on Social Witness
- Section 4.11. Tentative Agenda for Regular General Assemblies
- Section 4.12. UUA Statements of Conscience
- Section 4.13. Revision of UUA Statements of Conscience Process Schedule
- Section 4.14. Final Agenda for Regular General Assemblies
- Section 4.15. Agenda for Special General Assemblies
- Section 4.16. Additions to the Agenda of Regular General Assemblies
- RULE IV—General Assembly
Available minutes from prior meetings.
For more information contact