Volunteers Needed!
Dear Fellow Unitarian Universalists,
The Appointments Committee is looking for skilled and devoted volunteers to serve our Association at the national level of leadership. You are called!
Apply to serve on a UUA board, committee, commission, or board!
About the Appointments Committee
The Appointments Committee has seven members plus a trustee liaison. The committee recruits and recommends candidates for board-appointed committees as well as board appointments to elected committees. As with all board-appointed committees, terms are for two- year periods, which can be renewed up to three times for a maximum of eight years of service. The time commitment is significant, with an anticipated six meetings a year, at least two in person, and significant work between meetings.
In accordance with Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Board policy, the Appointments Committee is expected to recommend individuals so that the membership of committees and task forces reflects the full diversity of the Association, especially in regard to historically marginalized communities, but also balancing amongst size of congregation, lay and ordained, geography, age (including youth and young adults), and gender, among others. The committee consults with groups and organizations, including those traditionally underrepresented in Unitarian Universalist leadership, to help inform the appointment process. The committee collaborates with the Nominating Committee to develop systems and processes for recruiting, selecting, and training appointees and candidates, and assists in providing training, support, and monitoring to further the work of other committees.