Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Curricula and Resources for Lifespan Faith Development

Tapestry of Faith Programs and Resources

Children’s Programs

  • Creating Home (Kindergarten/First Grade)—Online
    By Christy Olson and Jessica York
    This program helps children develop a sense of home that is grounded in faith. Participants explore the purpose and functions of a home for people and for other animals. The program describes home as a place of belonging and introduces the concept of the congregation as a "faith home." Like a family home, a faith home offers its members certain joys, protections and responsibilities.
  • Wonderful Welcome (Kindergarten/First Grade)—Online
    By Aisha Hauser and Susan Lawrence
    In this program, children identify intangible gifts central to Unitarian Universalism such as friendship, hospitality and fairness, and share these gifts with others. The gifts explored in Wonderful Welcome are all components of welcome, itself a core Unitarian Universalist value. Children are encouraged to think about the intangible gifts they bring to the world, and intangible gifts they receive. Children find safe, positive and intentional ways to relate to one another, their families, and the world around them as they investigate how they use gifts they cannot see or touch to welcome others in their lives.
  • Love Surrounds Us (Kindergarten/First Grade)—Online
    By Rev. Lynn Kerr and Christy Olson
    At the core of our Unitarian Universalist community are our seven Principles. The Principles encompass all the ingredients of a good and faith-filled life based on equality, freedom, peace, acceptance, truth, care, and love. This program explores all the Principles in the context of Beloved Community of family/home, school, neighborhood. Participants engage in activities that emphasize the love they feel in community.
  • World of Wonder (Kindergarten/First Grade)—Online
    By Alice Anacheka-Nasemann, Pat Kahn, and Julie Simon
    This program delves deep into our Unitarian Universalist (UU) seventh Principle. It instills respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part, and appreciation of its beauty, excitement, and mystery. It is founded on the premise that direct experience in nature is essential to children's physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual development.
  • Moral Tales (Second/Third Grade)—Online
    By the Rev. Alice Anacheka-Nasemann and Elisa Davy Pearmain
    Every day our children go forth into a complex world where they may be faced with difficult decisions and situations. Moral Tales provides children with spiritual and ethical tools to make choices and take actions that reflect their Unitarian Universalist beliefs and values. The stories in Moral Tales draw from all our UU Sources to activate and inform the children’s learning how to make moral choices.
  • Faithful Journeys (Second/Third Grade)—Online
    By the Rev. Alice Anacheka-Nasemann and the Rev. Lynn Ungar
    Defining what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist can be challenging. Our adults and youth often welcome this challenge; a questioning spirit is part of our faith. Yet, our children need to learn who Unitarian Universalists are, what we believe and how we make decisions and act on our faith. Faithful Journeys equips children with language and experiences to develop and articulate a strong Unitarian Universalist faith identity. Through historic and contemporary stories of Unitarian Universalist faith in action, participants grow in their own personal agency—their capacity to act faithfully as Unitarian Universalists in their lives. Throughout the program, children have opportunities to share their own stories of faithful action and represent them with footprints or wheelchair tracks on a Faithful Journeys Path.
  • Love Will Guide Us (Second/Third Grade)—Online
    By Rev. Alice Anacheka-Nasemann and Cathy Cartwright
    In this program, participants learn to seek guidance in life through the lens of our Unitarian Universalist Sources, with an emphasis on love. Together we ask questions such as, "Where did we come from?" "What is our relationship to the Earth and other creatures?" "How can we respond with love, even in bad situations?" "What happens when you die?" Sessions apply wisdom from our Sources to help participants answer these questions. Participants will learn that asking questions is valued in Unitarian Universalism, even as they begin to shape their own answers.
  • Signs of Our Faith: Being UU Every Day (Second/Third Grade)—Online
    By Jessica York
    Rev. Morales asks us to think about religion as the practice of being faithful to what you love. In order to do this, you must decide what you love and do your best to live that love faithfully every day. Signs of Our Faith guides children to do their best to live faithful lives every day. It presents fourteen traits or values that most Unitarian Universalist love, including the quest for knowledge, reverence for life, supporting one another on our faith journeys, and public witness. Children examine how their lives do and can exhibit these traits and values, and come to understand that their faith is a living faith whose histories and teachings are fortifications for living faithfully in a complex world.
  • Toolbox of Faith (Fourth/Fifth Grade)—Online
    By Katie Tweedie Covey
    Toolbox of Faith invites fourth- and fifth-grade participants to reflect on qualities of our Unitarian Universalist faith, such as integrity, courage and love, as tools they can use in living their lives and building their own faith. Each of the 16 sessions uses a tool as a metaphor for an important quality of our faith such as reflection (symbolized by a mirror), flexibility (duct tape) and justice (a flashlight). Reflecting on the qualities (tools) of our faith, children and leaders gain insight into what makes our faith a faith for life.
  • Windows and Mirrors (Fourth/Fifth Grade)—Online
    By Gabrielle Farrell, Natalie Fenimore and Dr. Jenice View
    This program nurtures children’s ability to acknowledge their own experiences and perspectives and to seek out, care about and respect those of others. Sessions unpack topics that lend themselves to diverse experiences and perspectives—for example, faith heritage, public service, anti-racism and prayer. Underlying the program is the lesson that there are always multiple viewpoints.
    The metaphor of windows and mirrors represents the dynamic relationship among our awareness of self, our perceptions of others, and others’ perceptions of us. An art activity throughout the program gives children a way to respond to the metaphor creatively to each session’s topic. As a mirror, the panel reflects aspects of the individual child. As a window, it represents the child’s view beyond themselves to the congregation, other communities to which they belong and the world.
  • Love Connects Us (Fourth/Fifth Grade)—Online
    By Michelle Richards and Lynn Ungar
    Love Connects Us celebrates important ways Unitarian Universalists live our faith in covenanted community. Moved by love and gathered in spirit, we embrace our responsibility toward one another and the world at large. We encourage one another's search for truth and meaning. We strive to be active in peace-making and other efforts to improve our world.
  • Sing to the Power (Fourth/Fifth Grade)—Online
    By Lynn Ungar
    Sing to the Power affirms our Unitarian Universalist heritage of confronting “powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love.” Participants experience their own power, and understand how it can help them to be leaders.
  • Amazing Grace: Exploring Right and Wrong (Sixth Grade)—Online
    By Richard S. Kimball
    This program guides sixth graders through ways to determine right from wrong and act on their new understandings. Its purpose is to equip them for moving safely and productively through the middle- and high-school years, when they will be continually tugged toward both ends of the ethics continuum. Through Amazing Grace, youth come to depend on their Unitarian Universalist identity and resources as essential to their movement toward understanding, independence, and fulfillment of personal promise.
  • Riddle and Mystery: UU Responses to Big Questions (Sixth Grade)—Online
    By Richard S. Kimball
    "Is there a God?" "What happens after I die?" "Does my life have a purpose?" These are big questions we all voice. Though Unitarian Universalists espouse different theologies, we agree on many answers to these questions. This curriculum helps young people understand that our individual search for meaning in the universe is supported and strengthened when we come together as people of faith. Participants explore our shared UU beliefs and determine where their beliefs fit in the spectrum. Engaging, relevant activities range from the introspective (WITT or, "What I Think" Time) to scripted dramas, Internet surveys and exploring UU hymns for answers.

Multigenerational Programs

  • Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures (Mulitgenerational)—Online
    By Rev. Thomas R. Schade and Gail Forsyth-Vail
    This program offers multigenerational workshops based on eight stories from the Hebrew scriptures. Some of these stories are well-known and others less so. Some have been told to children in Sunday school classes and Hebrew school for generations; others will be unknown even to some adults. Some of those narratives fit well with contemporary Unitarian Universalist values and others are more challenging in both the theology and the values expressed. All of these stories offer wisdom that can help people of all ages growth in spiritual depth and understanding.
  • Gather the Spirit (Multigenerational)—Online
    By Richard S. Kimball and Christine Rafal
    Gather the Spirit, an eight-session, multi-generational program, focuses on the stewardship of water. Nowhere can our stewardship be better directed than toward the shared water resources on which all life depends. We can and must join with other progressive and caring forces to sustain, extend and improve life on earth. This serious purpose does not preclude pleasure in the accomplishment. Gather the Spirit intends not just to help save the world, but to engage participants in positive, engaging and enjoyable community action.
  • Circle of Trees (Multigenerational)—Online
    By Julie Simon, Pat Kahn, and Katie Tweedie Covey; Developmental Editor: Judith A. Frediani
    Circle of Trees is an eight-session workshop for a wide agespan that uses trees as both a metaphor and a literal representation of the interdependent web of life. A wide variety of activities engage participants in both a spiritual experience of nature and a social commitment to stewardship.
  • Miracles (Wide Agespan of Children)—In Development
    This eight-session program for a wide agespan engages children in exploration of the first Source of Unitarian Universalism—direct experience of transcendent mystery and wonder. Children learn to pay attention to and reflect on the awesomeness of the dynamic processes and relationships of the interconnected web of life. As they encounter miraculous transformations in nature, they stretch to understand their agency to effect transformations within themselves and in the larger world. They learn that even when we rationally understand events and relationships in nature, we may still experience awe and wonder, and be transformed by the miraculous. Exploring UU understandings of "a miracle," they learn that our Unitarian Universalist faith rests simultaneously on our humility before the transcendent power of mystery and our responsibility to apply rational inquiry.

Youth Programs and Resources

  • Families (Junior/Senior High)—Online
    By Dr. Tracey L. Hurd, based on a program by Dr. Helen Bishop and Susan Grider
    A semester-long program for junior or senior high youth, this program explores the functions of families and affirms that families come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Activities help youth celebrate their own families while exploring family diversity in the congregation. It culminates in a narrative/photo-documentary project that builds youth leadership skills and multigenerational community, and fosters in youth a greater sense of belonging in their faith community.
  • Exploring Our Values through Poetry  (High School)—Online
    By Karen Harris
    This program uses poetry as the medium to explore participants’ values in the context of their UU faith. With contributions ranging from Tennyson to modern Chinese poet Shu Ting to Ishmael Reed, timeless themes such as "beauty," "love," "faith" and "surviving difficult times" are explored. Yet this is not just about sitting and reading poetry. Multiple learning styles are utilized as youth are encouraged to express themselves in art, song and Faith in Action projects. The program includes instructions to help youth sponsor a poetry slam in their congregation or community.
  • A Place of Wholeness (High School)—Online
    By Beth Dana and Jesse Jaeger
    Youth, like adults and children, need to be able to talk about what it means to be Unitarian Universalist. Whether delivering an "elevator speech," taking part in an interfaith dialogue, or conversing with friends at the lunch table, youth need practice in describing our multifaceted faith in terms that are personally meaningful and true. Building upon the faith development of Coming of Age and other UU identity programs, this curriculum encourages youth to look inward for a clearer understanding of their personal faith and guides them to express that faith outward into the world.
  • Heeding the Call: Qualities of a Justicemaker (Junior High School)—Online
    By Nicole Bowmer and Jodi Tharan
    Youth are encouraged to view themselves as agents of change in the world as they develop qualities crucial to justice work. They reflect on their own lives while making connections to the lives lived by others, building self-awareness while growing as leaders. Includes a Justicemakers Guide to help youth track their activities outside the workshop and a long-term Faith in Action project to lead youth, step-by-step, in becoming allies to marginalized communities.
  • A Chorus of Faiths (High School)—Online
    By Renee Ruchotzke and Hannah McConnaughay
    Part of a joint venture of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and the Interfaith Youth Core (founded by Eboo Patel) and funded by the Shelter Rock congregation, these sessions develop UU youth as interfaith leaders. Youth explore values of service to our community and religious pluralism through stories from our Sources and personal storytelling, and coordinate an interfaith service.
  • Journeys of the Spirit: Planning and Leading Mission Trips with YouthIn print
    By Jennifer McAdoo and Anne Principe
    This manual inspires and guides youth advisors and youth leadership to plan, lead, and unpack a spiritually transformative youth service travel project. Mission trips can be more than social action and service: They can be a faith development tool to deepen youth’s Unitarian Universalist identity and connection to a greater call.
    This book covers everything from choosing a mission and engaging the wider congregation’s support to logistical and safety considerations and spiritual reflection during and after a trip. Testimonials from youth, young adults, and religious educators demonstrate the inner and outer transformations a youth mission trip can accomplish.
  • Virtue Ethics: An Ethical Development Program for High School Youth (High School)—Online
    By Jessica York
    We make hundreds of decisions every day. Some are small. Some are life changing, although we may not know their significance when we make them. This program’s premise—in the words of the Buddha, recited in every workshop Opening—is that “our thoughts and actions become habits and our habits shape our character.” We have some control over our character. We can shape the person we want to be by making intentional, thoughtful decisions.
  • Building Bridges: A World Religions Program (Eighth/Ninth Grade)—Online
    By Mary K. Isaacs
    This year-long curriculum explores the religions of today’s world and our relationship to them. Part religious literacy, part UU identity formation, this program engages participants with religions on many levels. Youth will recognize the human needs religion serves in a historical context, while at the same time examining the most popular religions today. Acknowledging that facts and figures are not enough, youth will "build a bridge" to other people of faith by visiting houses of worship, talking with practitioners of other faiths, and hearing from UUs of various theologies. However, bridges go both ways. The results of these religious explorations are to help youth grow in their Unitarian Universalist faith and build authentic relationships in our increasingly diverse world.
  • Chaplain Manual—In Development
    By Brian Kuzma, Michael Ohlrogge, Lara Campbell, Tim Murphy, Reverend Eva Cameron, and Betty Jeanne Rueters-Ward
    This resource is intended for youth and adults working with youth who are interested in serving as chaplains at youth conferences and other functions. It includes detailed descriptions of the work chaplains do, a checklist to help determine if this work is right for you, and guidelines on how to handle various situations chaplains commonly encounter. Includes practical advice on leading worship, stocking a “spiritual toolbox”, and anti-racism/anti-oppression work as it affects the efforts of a chaplain.
  • Bridging: A Handbook for Congregations—In print
    By Gail Forsyth-Vail and Jessica York
    Congregations are asking for a resource, similar to Coming of Age, for youth who are about to enter adulthood. This change in age accompanies a change in a person’s relationship with their congregation: different responsibilities, expectations, and rights are common results when youth “bridge” into young adulthood. This resource will help young people, their families, and church leaders examine what lies over the bridge and embrace the crossing with joy and a greater dedication to their faith.

Adult Programs

  • The Wi$dom Path: Money, Spirit, and Life—Online
    By Patricia Hall Infante and David H. Messner; Developmental Editor: Gail Forsyth-Vail
    How do our financial lives intersect with our religious, spiritual, and community lives? How can we have a relationship with earning, spending, giving, and investing that is spiritually healthy and grounded in our deepest values? While money is a pervasive part of our day-to-day existence, it often receives little attention in our religious lives. As religious people, we have much to gain by making money a part of an intentional, covenanted and faithful conversation together.
  • Our Whole Lives: Sexuality Education for Young Adults, Ages 18-35—In print
    By the Rev. Michael J. Tino, Laura Anne Stuart, and the Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh
    The newest in the Our Whole Lives sexuality education series, this program helps participants navigate young adulthood with accurate information, increased self-knowledge, and strengthened interpersonal skills. Fourteen workshops include topics such as body image, birth control, gender identity, family life, and sexual fantasy.
  • Sexuality and Our Faith: A Companion to Our Whole Lives for Young Adults—In print
    By Mandy Keithan, T. Michael Rock, and Lynn Young
    The resource helps participants apply their religious values to the issues in Our Whole Lives. It is one book in two volumes: one developed for Unitarian Universalists and one developed for the United Church of Christ.
  • Principled Commitment: A Program for Unitarian Universalist CouplesOnline
    By Melanie J. Davis, Dr. Stephanie Haymaker, the Rev. Craig Hirshberg and Dr. Richard Bellingham
    Developed in response to Unitarian Universalist adults’ desire to build strong partner relationships, and our congregations’ desire to meet that need, the 11 workshops of Principled Commitment provide avenues for participants to grow in faith while nourishing a committed partnership. Each workshop connects one of the seven Principles with a broad principle, quality or attribute that participants can cultivate in their relationships.
  • Spirit in Practice: Ten Workshops for Unitarian Universalist Adults–Online
    By the Rev. Erik Walker Wikstrom
    Developed in response to many Unitarian Universalist adults’ desire to engage in meaningful, affirmative spiritual practices, the ten workshops of Spirit in Practice provide guidance for deepening individual spirituality and promoting spiritual growth in the congregation. Participants are invited to reflect, share and grow together, exploring many ways to nurture their connections with the sacred in everyday life.
  • Spirit of Life: Exploring Spirituality for Unitarian UniversalistsOnline
    By the Rev. Barbara Hamilton-Holway
    This nine-workshop program seeks to bring meaning, beauty, and growth to Unitarian Universalist adults as they deepen their spiritual awareness and connections. The program taps into one of the central functions of religion, eloquently described by the Reverend Dr. Kendyl Gibbons, "…how we—each of us, in our uniquely constituted beings—recognize and understand and make sense of that unbidden, overwhelming awe at the wonder, magnificence, danger, demand, and delight of being alive." This program is spiritually and thematically inspired by Carolyn McDade’s popular song/UU hymn.
  • Harvest the Power: Developing Lay Leadership—Online
    By Gail Forsyth-Vail, Gail Tittle and the Rev. Matt Tittle
    This program was developed in response to the needs of our lay leaders for leadership skill development that goes hand-in-hand with faith development. Fundamental to the program is the understanding that congregational leaders are operating at a time of rapid cultural change and face issues that require both skills and vision. Twelve workshops offer opportunities for both new and experienced leaders to enrich and deepen their skills and help them experience leadership as a Unitarian Universalist faith journey.
  • What Moves Us: Unitarian Universalist Theology—Online
    By the Rev. Dr. Thandeka
    Drawing on the work of historical and contemporary theologians, this program invites participants to engage some of the major theological perspectives of our tradition and to test those theological points of view against their own lived experience. What Moves Us will satisfy the hunger of longtime Unitarian Universalists, including religious professionals, for challenging faith development materials.
  • The New UU—Online
    By Jonalu Johnstone
    The New UU program provides important tools to help congregations welcome, orient, and integrate newcomers into their faith communities. The program addresses the needs of newcomers who want to know more about who we are and what we believe. It provides opportunities for members of your congregation to share with newcomers what it means to them to be a Unitarian Universalist. It gives newcomers a chance to examine their own personal stories in the light of our Unitarian Universalist tradition and heritage. It provides a chance for newcomers to the congregation and long-timers to connect. It provides an explicit invitation to become a member.
  • Building the World We Dream About—Online
    By Mark A. Hicks, Ed.D.
    Building the World We Dream About is a Unitarian Universalist program that seeks to interrupt the workings of racism and transform how people from different racial/ethnic groups understand and relate to one another. It consists of 24 two-hour workshops, with Taking It Home activities, reflections, and readings to be done between workshops. The program creates opportunities for participants to practice dreaming our world otherwise, and then commit to new, intentional ways of being. As Unitarian Universalists, we hope developing antiracist, antioppressive, and multicultural habits and skills will lead us to build the multicultural world of beloved community we dream about.
    You can download a double-sided handout (PDF) that addresses common questions about the program.
  • Faith Like a River: Themes from Unitarian Universalist History
    By the Rev. Jackie Clement and the Rev. Alison Cornish
    Faith Like a River explores the dynamic course of Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist (UU) history—the people, ideas, and movements that have shaped our faith heritage. It invites participants to place themselves into our history and consider its legacies. What lessons do the stories of our history teach that can help us live more faithfully in the present? What lessons do they offer to be lived into the future?
  • Resistance and Transformation: Unitarian Universalist Social Justice History
    By Rev. Colin Bossen and Rev. Julia Hamilton.
    Grounded in the belief that even "failures" in our history can be instructive, this program presents the ongoing struggle of our tradition to live up to its ever-evolving ideals of social transformation. Themes include abolition, peace-making, civil rights, free speech, utopianism, counter-culture, the women’s movements of both 19th and 20th centuries, sexuality education, and GLBT equality.
  • What We Choose: Ethics for Unitarian Universalists
    By Amber Beland and Manish Mishra-Marzetti; Developmental Editor, Gail Forsyth-Vail
    We are regularly faced with moral choices, big and small. How should we respond to a tricky family or relationship situation? What is the right thing to do when faced with a dilemma at work? What is the most ethical course for a community, state, or nation to follow, and how much am I prepared to invest in advocating for that course? How does morality or ethics enter my food and eating choices? How should morality or ethics enter my consumer decisions? How do we treat others? What must I do to follow the values of my Unitarian Universalist faith tradition?
  • Building the World We Dream About for Young Adults—Online
    By Mark Hicks; Contributing Editor India McKnight
    Three years ago, the UUA published Building the World We Dream About. This new version of the program for Young Adults, is specifically tailored to the experiences of young adults whose life situations and congregational involvement are somewhat fluid. A program that seeks to interrupt the workings of racism and transform how people from different racial/ethnic groups understand and relate to one another in the congregation and in the communities of which the congregation is a part.

Additional Tapestry of Faith Resources

  • Nurturing Children and Youth: A Developmental Guidebook (Toolkit Book)—In print
    By Dr. Tracey L. Hurd
    Grounded in current research and theory, this book describes typical progressions in physical, cognitive, social, emotional, moral and spiritual growth for each phase of development, from infants to young adults. Each of the age-chronological chapters presents key characteristics and ways to support young people in the context of Unitarian Universalism. Written for parents, ministers, religious educators, and teachers, this book helps meet the needs of children and youth in our faith communities.
  • Stories in Faith: Exploring Our Unitarian Universalist Principles and Sources Through Wisdom Tales (Toolkit Book)—In print
    By Gail Forsyth-Vail
    This resource is an invitation to begin a unique spiritual journey, one in which stories help us develop our faith and make meaning in our lives. This distinctly Unitarian Universalist collection of 19 wisdom tales culls from many cultures and traditions, using the seven Principles and six Sources as a framework for reflection and further exploration. The book offers thoughtful advice for respectfully approaching materials from a culture other than one’s own and encourages engagement with wisdom tales as an opportunity for lifelong inspiration and spiritual growth. This is a useful resource for worship, religious education programs, and families.
  • When Youth Lead: A Guide to Intergenerational Social Justice Ministry (Toolkit Book)—In print
    By Jill M. Schwendeman
    Based on a view of youth as equal participants in congregational life, this resource offers adults who work with youth guidance to construct and maintain a healthy, spiritually vital youth ministry. Teens are an enormous generative force for our faith communities, and adults have much to learn from youth about passion, friendship, discrimination, equality, faith and more. Social justice work is an effective tool for bringing generations together, and the suggestions in this excellent resource have the potential to build rich partnerships among children, youth, adults and elders. Includes practical tips for 101 social action projects.
  • Coming of Age Handbook for CongregationsIn print
    By the Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh
    Comprehensive and practical, the Coming of Age Handbook for Congregations is a treasury of tools for the leaders of coming of age programs in the congregation. This handbook is filled with workshops for youth, small group ministry sessions for parents, social action projects and rites of passage. Participants explore theology, spirituality, history and other topics through discussion, drama, music, writing and art. It addresses all the components of UU Coming of Age programs and is a comprehensive resource for congregations to design their own approach to this rite of passage.
  • Spirituality and the Arts in Children’s Programming (Resource)—Online
    By Dr. Nita Penfold
    The eight chapters of this resource guide adults to create and implement arts experiences in a religious education context. This resource includes both pedagogical guidance and practical instructions for projects that help children experience spiritual growth and depth through various arts. This resource describes how to choose, plan, lead and process visual/tactile arts, writing, and drama and movement/dance activities as religious, child-affirming experiences.
  • Making Music Live (Resource)—Online
    By Nick Page
    This resource presents a compelling argument and detailed, practical advice for incorporating musical expression, primarily singing, into Unitarian Universalist religious education. The author’s enthusiasm and expertise will surely inspire and encourage even those who do not consider themselves "musical." In eight chapters, topics include when and how to employ singing activities, how to find the right kind of song for a particular session, song-teaching strategies, ways to add layers of music-making and/or movement to a singing activity. This resource also includes thoughtful guidance on the borrowing of music and traditions from cultures not one’s own.
  • Sharing the Journey: Small Group Ministry Youth (High School)—Online
    By Jessica York and Rev. Helen Zidowecki
    Recognizing that congregations need multiple faith development models to offer youth, this resource will provide tools for leading small group ministry or covenant groups with youth. The small group ministry model can address many needs of youth, including a sense of belonging, opportunities to practice leadership, and discussions that focus on matters relevant to their own lives. This handbook will include guidance on session structure, the role of facilitators, and confidentiality issues with youth. Sample sessions and a template for creating new sessions will be included.
  • Together in Faith (PDF): Finding Home in Times of Trauma or Disaster—Online
    By Dr. Tracey L. Hurd
    This workshop is designed for children, families and multigenerational groups as a way to pause and gather with intention to make sense of trauma or disaster. It offers the opportunity to step toward wholeness during a time when daily routines and the blessings of life need amplification. It does not offer a cure, but a framework to come together for comfort and meaning-making when a disaster of any nature has impacted the community.
  • Making Meaning after Disaster (PDF): A Workshop for Unitarian Universalist Adults—Online
    By the Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh
    Conceived in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, this workshop helps congregations reflect and heal after a natural disaster, attack or other traumatic event. Whether such events occur far away or in our own backyard, they can affect the way we make meaning and the way each of us understands life’s purpose and the workings of the universe.
  • A Study Guide to Milk (PDF)—Online
    By the Rev. Mark Belletini
    This discussion guide for the 2008 film, Milk, includes background information, discussion questions, and resources for putting faith in action. Milk is a film biography of Harvey Milk, a great leader of the 1970s Gay and Lesbian rights movement who, as an elected member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, was the first openly gay politician in the United States. Milk and San Francisco mayor George Moscone were assassinated in November 1978 by Dan White, also a member of the Board of Supervisors.
  • Guía de estudio de la película Milk—Online
    Por el Rev. Mark Belletini
    Milk es la biografía filmada por Gus Van Sant (1952-) sobre los últimos años de la vida de Harvey Milk (1930-1978), quien fue un gran líder del movimiento lésbicogay de la década de 1970, así como un miembro electo de la Junta de Supervisores de San Francisco, el primer político abiertamente gay de los Estados Unidos [Nota: en esa época no se usaba un acrónimo extendido como BGLTQ—Bisexual, Gay, Lésbico, Transgénero, Queer (literalmente, 'raritos', también lexicalizada como: kuir) y Questioning (dudosos)]—para designar la diversidad de las poblaciones no-heterosexuales, e incluso la palabra 'lesbiana' no se usaba mucho, pues lo lésbico se consideraba ya incluido en'gay']. Milk y el alcalde de San Francisco, George Moscone (1929-1978) fueron asesinados en noviembre de 1978 por Dan White (1946-1985), quien había sido miembro de la Junta de Supervisores y buscaba que Moscone lo volviera a designer para ese puesto.
  • Discussion Guide for UU Groups on The Death of Josseline (PDF)—Online
    Common Read, 2010-11
    A flexible guide for facilitating a single-session discussion or a three- or four-session series of meetings to process readers’ experiences of the 2010 Beacon Press book, The Death of Josseline: Immigration Stories from the Arizona Borderlands, by Margaret Regan. Through their stories, this book explores the ethical, moral, and spiritual challenges presented by the complex immigration issues on the border; Regan calls us to the religious act of bearing witness to brutality and despair along with extraordinary courage and commitment. Learn more about this UUA-wide 2010-11 Common Read and how to use the Discussion Guide in your congregation.
  • From the High Hill: Odyssey Writing for Elders
    By Reverend Anne Odin Heller
    From The High Hill engages elders in mining the stories of a lifetime to create a presentation to share with peers, loved ones, and co-congregants. Two weekend retreats—one for preparation, one for presentations—frame an individual period of remembering, sorting, reflecting, and writing. Participants are guided to gather and reflect on stories that delight, that challenge, that invite new wisdom and understanding, and then to act on new goals that emerge from this process. Includes practical implementation guidelines, a thoughtful participant guide for writing a personal Odyssey, and suggestions for celebrating and honoring Odyssey writers in the small group formed for this purpose and in the congregation. From the High Hill is a significant tool for enriching your congregation’s ministry to elders.

Journeys of the Spirit Planning and Leading Mission Trips with Youth

By Jennifer McAdoo, Anne Principe

From inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop

A comprehensive guide for youth advisors and leaders to plan, lead and unpack a spiritually transformative mission trip.

Buy This Book