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- Faith Curriculum Library
- Tapestry of Faith
- A Chorus of Faiths (171)
- Amazing Grace (320)
- A Place of Wholeness (276)
- Building Bridges (509)
- Building the World We Dream About (380)
- Building the World We Dream About for Young Adults (132)
- Chalice Children (563)
- Circle of Trees (147)
- Creating Home (338)
- Exploring Our Values Through Poetry (244)
- Facing Death with Life (101)
- Faithful Journeys (355)
- Faith Like a River (378)
- Families (193)
- From the High Hill (47)
- Gather the Spirit (156)
- Harvest the Power, 2nd Edition (102)
- Heeding the Call (248)
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- Youth/Teens (7)
Displaying 1 - 20 of 10629
The Wi$dom PathFebruary 16, 2021 | For Adults | From The Wi$dom PathTagged as: Abundance, Money
"Mariana Rodrigues," story for use with Worshop 6 of The Wi$dom Path adult curriculum.February 12, 2021 | From The Wi$dom Path
In his book, Understanding Our Own Mind, the Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh tells this story: If you plant a seed in springtimeStory | September 4, 2020 | For Children | From Amazing GraceTagged as: Beliefs & Principles, Equal Opportunity, Children's Faith Development
For Workshop 3, Are We Doing the Right Things? Alternate Activity 1, Leadership and Management Alternate ScenarioJune 4, 2020 | From Harvest the Power, 2nd Edition
For Workshop 3, Are We Doing the Right Things, Activity 4, Leadership and ManagementJune 4, 2020 | From Harvest the Power, 2nd Edition
For Workshop 4, Caring for Ourselves and Others, Activity 2, Bodies of Water Guided MeditationJune 4, 2020 | From Harvest the Power, 2nd EditionTagged as: Meditation Practices
(45 minutes) Materials Handout 3, Alternate Systems Thinking Scenarios Newsprint, markers, and wall-safe tape Preparation Copy Handout 3 for all participants. Read Activity 2, Applying Systems Thinking, to become familiar with how to diagram a congregational issue or challenge from a systems...June 4, 2020 | From Harvest the Power, 2nd Edition
...Meaningful change is hard, especially as it relates to identity and power. It raises essential questions about whose voices are heard, who is asked to take risks, how we negotiate our relationships, and what our priorities are as a community. False divisions like “political correctness”...Taking It Home | June 4, 2020 | For Families | From Harvest the Power, 2nd Edition
Distribute copies of Taking It Home or tell the group when you will email it. Invite participants to reflect on their own leadership style by asking, “Are there things that you plan to approach differently as a result of this workshop?”June 4, 2020 | From Harvest the Power, 2nd Edition
Consider some of your congregation’s social justice projects and programs, using a systems lens. How does your congregation engage with the community? What relationships, both within and outside the congregation, comprise your congregation’s social justice system?June 4, 2020 | From Harvest the Power, 2nd Edition
Have the group brainstorm conflicts or dilemmas facing their congregation(s) and select two or three to examine closely. Invite participants to form groups of four to six to examine an issue (either the issue that most interests them or a single issue, whichever you chose).June 4, 2020 | From Harvest the Power, 2nd Edition
(15 minutes) Materials Handout 2, Leadership Lessons for the Real World Newsprint, markers, and wall-safe tape Preparation Copy Handout 2 for all participants. Arrange for a participant to read the handout aloud. You might provide them with a copy of it ahead of time. Title a sheet of newsprint...June 4, 2020 | From Harvest the Power, 2nd Edition
(40 minutes) Materials Handout 1, Heavenly Unitarian Universalist Congregation Optional: Handout 3, Alternate Systems Thinking Scenarios Newsprint, markers, and wall-safe tape Preparation Review this activity and Handout 1....June 4, 2020 | From Harvest the Power, 2nd Edition
(15 minutes) Materials Story, Tapping Out of “Fake Fights” Preparation Arrange for a participant to read Tapping Out of “Fake Fights” aloud; you might provide them with a copy of this reading in advance. Description Have the participant you chose read the story to the group. Then, point out...June 4, 2020 | From Harvest the Power, 2nd Edition
Light the chalice, and share this reading from Emergent Strategy by adrienne maree brown: Many of us have been socialized to understand that constant growth, violent competition, and critical mass are the ways to create change.June 4, 2020 | From Harvest the Power, 2nd Edition
In this workshop, participants practice looking at the structures, committees, and formal and informal groups of the congregation as an inter-related, interconnected system. They will identify relational and emotional patterns within the congregation as they examine congregational changes and challenges.June 4, 2020 | From Harvest the Power, 2nd Edition
This worship time offers a model for leadership groups to acknowledge the anxieties and the challenges in the congregation while lifting up that which supports and deepens the congregation’s vision and mission.June 4, 2020 | From Harvest the Power, 2nd Edition
The purpose of this activity is to raise participants’ awareness of their own stressors and to consider how they react and respond to stress.June 4, 2020 | From Harvest the Power, 2nd Edition
Consider and discuss these questions with your co-facilitator: Looking at each activity in this workshop, what worked as well as or better than you had anticipated? What did not work as well as you had anticipated?June 4, 2020 | From Harvest the Power, 2nd Edition
Take-home suggestions and resources for participants in Workshop 5 of Harvest the Power, 2nd edition.Taking It Home | June 4, 2020 | For Families | From Harvest the Power, 2nd Edition