Children's Programs

The Tapestry of Faith curricula for children are modular, yet they are designed to follow a scope and sequence congregations may use for long-term planning.
Chalice Children
By Katie Covey
Chalice Children delves deep into our Unitarian Universalist faith. It strives not just to teach about our faith, but also to provide experiences around the strength of community, the wonder and awe that transcend everyday understanding, and life issues we all share.
Grades K-1
Creating Home
By Christy Olson and Jessica York
This program helps children develop a sense of home that is grounded in faith.
Wonderful Welcome
By Aisha Hauser and Susan Lawrence
In this program, children identify intangible gifts central to Unitarian Universalism such as friendship, hospitality and fairness, and share these gifts with others.
Love Surrounds Us
By Rev. Lynn Kerr and Christy Olson
This program explores all the Principles in the context of Beloved Community of family/home, school, neighborhood. Participants engage in activities that emphasize the love they feel in community.
World of Wonder
Alice Anacheka-Nasemann, Pat Kahn, and Julie Simon
Founded on the premise that direct experience in nature is essential to children's physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual development, this program delves deep into our Unitarian Universalist seventh Principle. It instills respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part, and appreciation of its beauty, excitement, and mystery.
Grades 2-3
Moral Tales
By Rev. Alice Anacheka-Nasemann and Elisa Davy Pearmain
Provides children with spiritual and ethical tools to make choices and take actions that reflect their Unitarian Universalist beliefs and values.
Faithful Journeys
By Rev. Alice Anacheka-Nasemann and Rev. Lynn Ungar
Equips children with language and experiences to develop and articulate a strong Unitarian Universalist faith identity. Through historic and contemporary stories of Unitarian Universalist faith in action.
Love Will Guide Us
By Rev. Alice Anacheka-Nasemann and Cathy Cartwright
In this program, participants learn to seek guidance in life through the lens of our Unitarian Universalist Sources, with an emphasis on love. Together we ask questions such as, "Where did we come from?" "What is our relationship to the Earth and other creatures?" "How can we respond with love, even in bad situations?" "What happens when you die?" Sessions apply wisdom from our Sources to help participants answer these questions. Participants will learn that asking questions is valued in Unitarian Universalism, even as they begin to shape their own answers.
Signs of Our Faith: Being UU Every Day
By Jessica York
Rev. Morales asks us to think about religion as the practice of being faithful to what you love. In order to do this, you must decide what you love and do your best to live that love faithfully every day. Signs of Our Faith guides children to do their best to live faithful lives every day. It presents fourteen traits or values that most Unitarian Universalist love, including the quest for knowledge, reverence for life, supporting one another on our faith journeys, and public witness. Children examine how their lives do and can exhibit these traits and values, and come to understand that their faith is a living faith whose histories and teachings are fortifications for living faithfully in a complex world.
Grades 4-5
Toolbox of Faith
By Katie Tweedie Covey
Invites participants to reflect on qualities of our Unitarian Universalist faith, such as integrity, courage and love, as tools they can use in living their lives and building their own faith.
Windows and Mirrors
By Gabrielle Farrell, Natalie Fenimore, and Dr. Jenice View with Aisha Hauser and Susan Lawrence
The metaphor of windows and mirrors represents the dynamic relationship among our awareness of self, our perceptions of others, and others’ perceptions of us.
Love Connects Us
By Michelle Richards and Rev. Lynn Ungar
Love Connects Us celebrates important ways Unitarian Universalists live our faith in covenanted community. Moved by love and gathered in spirit, we embrace our responsibility toward one another and the world at large. We encourage one another's search for truth and meaning. We strive to be active in peace-making and other efforts to improve our world.
Sing to the Power
By Lynn Ungar
Sing to the Power affirms our Unitarian Universalist heritage of confronting “powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love.” Participants experience their own power, and understand how it can help them to be leaders.
Grade 6
Amazing Grace: Exploring Right and Wrong
By Richard S. Kimball
This program guides sixth graders through ways to determine right from wrong with a Unitarian Universalist perspective, and act on their new understandings.
Riddle and Mystery
By Richard S. Kimball
The purpose of Riddle and Mystery is to assist sixth Graders in their own search for understanding. Each of the 16 sessions introduces and processes a Big Question: Does God exist? What happens when you die? Can we ever solve life’s mystery? How can I know what to believe? What does Unitarian Universalism mean to me?
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