Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Riddle and Mystery: A Program on the Big Questions for Grade 6

Riddle and Mystery, 6th Grade

© 2010

The purpose of Riddle and Mystery is to assist sixth Graders in their own search for understanding. Each of the 16 sessions introduces and processes a Big Question. The first three echo Paul Gauguin’s famous triptych: Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going? The next ten, including Does God exist? and What happens when you die?, could be found on almost anyone’s list of basic life inquiries. The final three are increasingly Unitarian Universalist: Can we ever solve life’s mystery? How can I know what to believe? What does Unitarian Universalism mean to me?

About the Author

Richard S. Kimball

Richard S. Kimball is a professional writer and editor, semi-professional photographer, and highly active lay member and religious exploration leader of the Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church in Portland, Maine....

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