Development, clarification, refinement, and expansion of our ethical thinking often occur in the midst of crisis or in response to an event or relationship that calls our world view into question. However, this program offers an intentional process of engagement with others in examining ethical concepts, dilemmas, and questions to help participants clarify and expand their ethical understanding independent of a personal crisis. Participants examine how they have arrived at ethical positions that they hold dear. They explore new perspectives, identify areas for further questions and exploration, and perhaps more fully embrace ethical positions they reach through careful discernment. This program will deepen and expand participants' knowledge and skills for a process of ethical reflection that is central to living our Unitarian Universalist faith.
Journeys of the Spirit
Planning and Leading Mission Trips with Youth
Jennifer McAdoo, Anne Principe
From inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop
A comprehensive guide for youth advisors and leaders to plan, lead and unpack a spiritually transformative mission trip.