Workshop 6: The Story of Our Lives: Narrative Ethics Part of What We Choose: Ethics for Unitarian Universalists In This Section Introduction From What We Choose In the holding environment of true community, people share experiences of meaning—they share storylines, which are more compelling than the barriers or boundaries that separate them. These common narratives prepare the way for reconciliation. — Rev. Jacqueline Lewis, The Power of Stories This... Workshop-at-a-Glance From What We Choose Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering 0 Opening 2 Activity 1: Opening Scenario 10 Activity 2: Sharing Stories 30 Activity 3: Changing the World 15 Activity 4: Narrative Ethics and Equality 15 Faith in Action: Stories from Our Social Justice Partners Closing 18 Alternate Activity 1: Telling Each... Spiritual Preparation From What We Choose Set aside time for journaling, reflection, prayer, and/or meditation, using these focus questions: Recall a time when you had an encounter with someone who had a significantly different background, identity, or life experience from your own. What difference did the encounter make in your broader... Welcoming and Entering From What We Choose Materials for Activity Sign-in sheet and pen or pencil Pocket folder, pen/pencil, and paper for each participant Name tags, single-use or durable Newsprint, markers, and tape Optional: Refreshments Preparation for Activity Using the Workshop-at-a-Glance as a guide, create and post the agenda on... Opening From What We Choose Activity time: 3 minutes Materials for Activity Worship table or designated space Chalice, candle, and lighter, or LED/battery-operated candle Singing the Living Tradition, the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook Preparation for Activity Arrange the worship table or designated space. Description of... Activity 1: Opening Scenario From What We Choose Activity time: 10 minutes Description of Activity Share this scenario: You are a chaperone on a middle school youth group trip. As the bus passes through an economically depressed section of town, one of the youth comments on a teen walking down the street, saying that this teen's look is "so... Activity 2: Sharing Stories From What We Choose Activity time: 30 minutes Materials for Activity Journals or notebooks, one for each participant Drawing paper, 9x12 inches Variety of writing and drawing materials, such as pens, pencils, fine point color markers, and color pencils Preparation for Activity Read this activity and Alternate Activi... Activity 3: Changing the World From What We Choose Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story "Harvey Milk" Optional: A copy of the story "Olympia Brown" Preparation for Activity Read both stories and choose one to present. If you have time, consider using both stories. Print the story and prepare to read it aloud. Activity 4: Narrative Ethics and Equality From What We Choose Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers (enough for all participants), and tape Optional: Eight clipboards, plain drawing paper, and extra pencils/pens Preparation for Activity Prepare four separate pieces of newsprint titled race/ethnicity, differing physical abilitie... Closing From What We Choose Activity time: 18 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 1, The Wisdom Tree Taking It Home handout Preparation for Activity Print Leader Resource 1, The Wisdom Tree, and prepare to read it aloud. Customize Taking It Home and copy for all participants.... Leader Reflection and Planning From What We Choose Consider these questions as you review the workshop with your co-leader: Which parts of the workshop most engaged participants? Why? Were there parts that did not work as well? What could we have done differently? Where was it easy for you to work together? Where was it difficult?... Faith In Action: Stories from Our Social Justice Partners From What We Choose Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Literature about the social justice organizations with which your congregation partners Preparation for Activity Pick one or more social justice organization(s) with which your congregation partners and learn more about them: What is that... Alternate Activity 1: Telling Each Other's Stories From What We Choose Activity time: 30 minutes Materials for Activity Journals or notebooks, one for each participant Preparation for Activity Read this activity and Activity 2, Sharing Stories. Choose one for your group. Write on newsprint, and post: What enduring values or truths are illustrated in the story you... Taking It Home: The Story of Our Lives: Narrative Ethics From What We Choose In the holding environment of true community, people share experiences of meaning—they share storylines, which are more compelling than the barriers or boundaries that separate them. These common narratives prepare the way for reconciliation. — Rev. Jacqueline Lewis, The Power of Stories Think... Harvey Milk From What We Choose In 1977, Harvey Milk was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, becoming the first openly gay man elected to public office in the United States. Milk grew up in New York, quiet about his homosexuality. He studied mathematics and graduated from New York State College for Teachers in... Olympia Brown From What We Choose Universalist Olympia Brown is known as the first woman minister whose ordination was recognized by a denomination. She spent a lifetime working for women's suffrage and was among the few original suffragists still alive to vote, at long last, in 1919.... Leader Resource 1: The Wisdom Tree From What We Choose By Meg Barnhouse. Used with permission. I dragged myself to the early morning Theme Talk, even though it was the last day of a week at church camp and I was tired from staying up late singing with friends and dancing my fool head off. A panel of old-timers was talking about the early days of... Find Out More From What We Choose To learn more about how personal experiences can offer guidance for undertaking complex moral, ethical, and spiritual challenges, see The Power of Stories by Jacqueline Lewis (Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2009).... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: What We Choose NEXT: Introduction Download all of What We Choose (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.