Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: What We Choose: An Adult Program on Ethics for Unitarian Universalists

Before You Start

Study the material. This curriculum draws from different ethical schools to lead participants into discussion. Take time to review the overall curriculum, its content, and its methodology.

Determine the calendar schedule for workshops. Once you have determined which workshops you will offer, choose dates and times for all the workshops. Enter the information on the congregation's calendar.

Choose a meeting space. Find a comfortable room in which you will be able to post newsprint, or set up a projector to display digital slides. Make sure the space is accessible for participants who use wheelchairs or other assistance devices. Reserve the space and any equipment you may need for all the workshop dates and times you have chosen.

Arrange for childcare. Make arrangements with qualified childcare providers and reserve a room for childcare.

Promote the workshops. Use newsletters, websites, printed and verbal announcements, adult religious education brochures, and special invitations to publicize the workshops. Personally invite potential participants at worship, new member orientations, and religious education programs and meetings. You may also choose to promote the workshops more broadly with a listing in your local newspaper or on your local community access television channel. If participants pre-register, you may wish to send reminder letters, postcards, or emails with the date, time, and place of the first meeting.