Workshop 8: Understanding Ethics from the Margins Part of What We Choose: Ethics for Unitarian Universalists In This Section Introduction From What We Choose No matter how personal we wish to make ethics, it always has a collective dimension. Ignoring or minimizing this dimension is the root of all injustices. — Miguel De La Torre, 21st-century ethicist Ethical systems and frameworks are about behavioral choices. What action do we choose to take in a... Workshop-at-a-Glance From What We Choose Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering 0 Opening 3 Activity 1: Opening Scenario 15 Activity 2: Reflection and Conversation 15 Activity 3: An Ethic of Affirmation and Resistance 25 Activity 4: Anthony Pinn and Black Humanism 15 Activity 5: The Next Thing I Will Do 15 Faith in Action: Following th... Spiritual Preparation From What We Choose Set aside time for journaling, reflection, prayer, and/or meditation, to center yourself and open your heart and mind to that which is new and challenging. Ask yourself: Do I have to be concerned about my day-to-day existence? Do I have enough to eat? A place to live? Options and choices in my life? Welcoming and Entering From What We Choose Materials for Activity Sign-in sheet and pen or pencil Pocket folder, pen/pencil, and paper for each participant Name tags, single-use or durable Newsprint, markers, and tape Optional: Refreshments Preparation for Activity Using the Workshop-at-a-Glance as a guide, create and post the agenda on... Opening From What We Choose Activity time: 3 minutes Materials for Activity Worship table or designated space Chalice, candle, and lighter, or LED/battery-operated candle Preparation for Activity Arrange the worship table or designated space. Practice the opening reading aloud. Description of Activity Share these words of... Activity 1: Opening Scenario From What We Choose Activity time: 15 minutes Preparation for Activity Read the scenario and facilitator notes in the Description of Activity. Prepare to present the scenario and facilitate the conversation that follows in such a way as to ensure the emotional and spiritual safety of people of color and/or... Activity 2: Reflection and Conversation From What We Choose Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Journals or notebooks, one for each participant Writing and drawing materials, such as pens, pencils, fine point color markers, and color pencils Preparation for Activity Set out drawing materials where all can reach them. Write on newsprint, and... Activity 3: An Ethic of Affirmation and Resistance From What We Choose Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 1, An Ethic of Affirmation and Resistance Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Read Handout 1, An Ethic of Affirmation and Resistance, and prepare to present it to the group. Copy the handout for all participants.... Activity 4: Anthony Pinn and Black Humanism From What We Choose Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Story, "On Becoming Humanist - A Personal Journey" Preparation for Activity Copy the story for all participants. Description of Activity Distribute the story and invite participants to read it silently to themselves. Hold silence for a couple of... Activity 5: The Next Thing I Will Do From What We Choose Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Self-sticking magnetic strips Unlined index cards Fine point markers or calligraphy pens Preparation for Activity Make sure each person has a surface suitable for writing. Set out supplies where all can reach them.... Closing From What We Choose Activity time: 2 minutes Materials for Activity Taking It Home handout Preparation for Activity Customize Taking It Home and copy for all participants.... Leader Reflection and Planning From What We Choose Consider these questions as you review the workshop with your co-leader: Which parts of the workshop most engaged participants? Why? Were there parts that did not work as well? What could we have done differently? Where was it easy for you to work together? Where was it difficult?... Faith In Action: Following the Lead of Those on the Margins From What We Choose Preparation for Activity Arrange for your minister, religious educator, a social action committee representative, and/or another congregational leader involved in congregational social justice projects to talk with the group about the social justice projects the congregation supports. Give guest... Alternate Activity 1: An Ethic of Affirmation and Resistance - Racial/Ethnic Identity-based Caucusing From What We Choose Activity time: 60 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 1, An Ethic of Affirmation and Resistance Leader Resource 1, About Race-Based Reflection Groups Preparation for Activity If you are not familiar with racial/ethnic identity-based caucusing, read Leader Resource 1, About Race-Based Reflectio... Alternate Activity 2: Ethic of Affirmation and Resistance in Folk Tales From What We Choose Activity time: 30 minutes Materials for Activity Stories to read aloud, chosen from options in Preparation for Activity Optional: Computer, with speakers if available, with Internet connection Preparation for Activity Purchase folk tale books or borrow from a library, choosing one of these:... Taking It Home: Understanding Ethics from the Margins From What We Choose No matter how personal we wish to make ethics, it always has a collective dimension. Ignoring or minimizing this dimension is the root of all injustices. — Miguel De La Torre, 21st-century ethicist Reflect on and plan how you will achieve "The Next Thing I Will Do" identified in the workshop. On Becoming Humanist: A Personal Journey From What We Choose Dr. Anthony Pinn is the Agnes Cullen Arnold Professor of Humanities and Professor of Religious Studies at Rice University. He serves as a trustee of Meadville Lombard Theological School. This article is abridged, with permission, from one published in Religious Humanism (Winter-Spring 1998).... Handout 1: An Ethic of Affirmation and Resistance From What We Choose Doing Ethics from the Margins Over the last two decades, a number of ethicists and theologians who are people of color have articulated a critique of the dominant culture's ethical systems, including Kant's ethics, utilitarian ethics, and virtue ethics.... Leader Resource 1: About Race-Based Reflection Groups From What We Choose Adapted from Workshop 12 of the Tapestry of Faith curriculum Building the World We Dream About by Dr. Mark A. Hicks.... Find Out More From What We Choose Learn more about the U.S./Mexican War on the PBS website. There are video clips of Miguel De La Torre speaking on his home page. More about Zora Neale Hurston can be found here. PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: What We Choose NEXT: Introduction Download all of What We Choose (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.