Circle of Trees is a multigenerational program of eight workshops that nurture deep connection with trees, nature, and all of earth’s living creatures. The program uses trees as an entry point to understand and connect with life on earth. Across many cultures, trees are recognized as a symbol for life on earth—for example, the biblical Tree of Life. Even young children understand trees as sustainers of life, fundamental engines of life on earth as we know it. Trees create and purify the air we breathe. They house and provide resources for myriad creatures, including humans. They bring us peace, joy, and delight.
From Circle of Trees
The Program Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. — Albert Einstein Every part of the earth is sacred; every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every humming insect is holy. — Anonymous Roger Ulrich is an environmental...
Program Structure
From Circle of Trees
One goal of Circle of Trees is to help participants to slow down, go deeper, and truly experience a connection to trees and all of earth. The program begins with some lighthearted learning about trees—how they are structured, what they contribute to life on our planet—then moves into...
Leader Guidelines
From Circle of Trees
As you adapt workshops to fit your resources and the needs of the group, take care to preserve the intent of a workshop and its purpose in the overall program. Read each workshop at least several days before leading it. Get a feel for it, do a little extra research if your curiosity strikes, and...
From Circle of Trees
The options for scheduling Circle of Trees are many. It can be used on Sunday mornings as a multigenerational program sandwiched between larger segments of the congregation's religious education year. It can be used on Saturday afternoons or early weekend evenings, perhaps combined with a potluck...
Before You Start
From Circle of Trees
One of the goals of Circle of Trees is for participants to engage directly with trees and the web of life, thus the culminating workshop is designed to be a shared experience in nature, in a nearby natural area or park....
From Circle of Trees
Background Reading for All Tapestry of Faith Programs The Gift of Faith: Tending the Spiritual Lives of Children (Second Edition) by Jeanne Harrison Nieuwejaar (Boston: Skinner House Books, 2003) Welcoming Children with Special Needs: A Guidebook for Faith Communities by Sally Patton (Boston:...
Facilitator Feedback Form
From Circle of Trees
We welcome your critique of this program, as well as your suggestions. Thank you for your feedback! Your input improves programs for all of our congregations....
Participant Feedback Form
From Circle of Trees
We welcome your critique of this program, as well as your suggestions. Thank you for your feedback! Your input improves programs for all of our congregations....
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