Arizona Partners
In a 2010, the General Assembly (GA) called on the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) administration to work with leaders in Arizona Unitarian Universalist (UU) congregations to establish an Arizona Immigration Ministry (AZIM) to partner with other groups in Arizona working for immigration reform to strengthen those partnerships in preparation for our arrival in 2012.
Arizona Immigration Ministry
The Arizona Immigration Ministry (AZIM) organizes collaboration among Arizona congregations around immigration reform, human rights and the 2012 General Assembly of the UUA in Phoenix—to be known as Justice GA. AZIM is a ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix with support from the UUA.
AZIM also fosters Unitarian Universalist partnerships with organizations representing those most affected by current immigration and enforcement policies.
AZIM will be active in the creation of service and witness events that are to take place at Justice GA.
Finally, as Unitarian Universalists around the country prepare for Justice GA, AZIM will be a resource welcoming ministers and others to Arizona through the year, and sharing the vision for Justice GA around the nation.
Arizona Advocacy Network
The Arizona Advocacy Network promotes social, economic, racial and environmental justice by connecting and building power among activists and leaders in those fields, and by leading efforts for electoral justice and increased civic participation.
Arizona Worker Rights Center/Centro de Derechos Laborales de Arizona (AIAWJ—Arizona Interfaith Alliance for Worker Justice)
As Arizona's only worker rights center AIAWJ is a place where Arizona's working women and men are able to take charge of solving their own workplace issues. In reaction to the anti-immigrant and anti-worker legislation being introduced within Arizona and across the nation, the Arizona Worker Rights Center has shifted its focus and priorities away from only being a service-providing organization. Though we continue to assist individual workers file claims with courts and government agencies, we are also engaging in activities which build community, develop and educate leaders and community members, and proactively address the current socio-political climate through a wage theft campaign.
Border Action Network
Border Action Network works with immigrant and border communities in Arizona to ensure that our rights are respected, our human dignity upheld and that our communities are healthy places to live. We are a membership-based organization that combines grassroots community organizing, leadership development, litigation and policy advocacy.
Border Angels
Border Angels is a non-profit organization supporting humanity. The organization consists of extraordinary volunteers who want to stop unnecessary deaths of individuals traveling through the Imperial Valley desert areas and the mountain areas surrounding San Diego County, as well as the areas located around the United States and Mexican border. The high percentage of unnecessary deaths have been results of extreme heat and cold weather conditions, in addition some have sadly been the results of racial-discrimination crimes.
Humane Borders
Humane Borders, was founded in June 2000 to create a safe and death free border environment. Our membership includes, more than 1,500 volunteers and 100 affiliated organizations from all walks of life.
Humane Borders, motivated by faith, offers humanitarian assistance to those in need through the deployment of emergency water stations on routes known to be used by migrants coming north through our desert. Our sole mission is to take death out of the immigration equation. Our water tanks are on a combination of private and public lands. In all cases we have permission to locate our water stations on these lands in writing from the landowners.
Mi Familia Vota—Arizona
Arizona has a long and proud tradition of organizing and mobilizing immigrants. In 1972, ¡Sí, Se Puede! was born in Arizona during the Cesar Chavez’ fast and the subsequent campaign to recall Governor Jack Williams.
Since 2003 Mi Famila Vota has been partnering with local organizations in Arizona to create a culture of civic participation.
In 2008, 19% of infrequent voters contacted by Mi Familia Vota Arizona either voted early or voted by mail and we registered over new Latino voters.
Today, Mi Famila Vota continues the proud tradition of Si Se Puede by promoting citizenship, educating New Americans on the levels of civic engagement and offer trainings and issue forums to strengthen their voice. We also register and mobilize voters to be active and aware of the impact of their role within the community.
National Council of La Raza
The largest national Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States, the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans.
National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON)
NDLON improves the lives of day laborers in the United States. To this end, NDLON works to unify and strengthens is member organizations to be more strategic and effective in their efforts to develop leadership, mobilize, and organize day laborers in order to protect and expand their civil, labor and human rights. NDLON fosters safer more humane environments for day laborer, both men and women, to earn a living, contribute to society, and integrate into the community.
NDLON aspires to live in a world of diverse communities where day laborers live with full rights and responsibilities in an environment of mutual respect, peace, harmony and justice.
No More Deaths
No More Deaths is an organization whose mission is to end death and suffering on the U.S./Mexico border through civil initiative: the conviction that people of conscience must work openly and in community to uphold fundamental human rights. Our work embraces the Faith-Based Principles for Immigration Reform and focuses on the following themes:
- Direct aid that extends the right to provide humanitarian assistance
- Witnessing and responding
- Consciousness raising
- Global movement building
- Encouraging humane immigration policy.
No More Deaths is a ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson, AZ.
Puente Human Rights Movement
Puente Arizona is part of the global movement for migrant justice and human rights. As a grassroots community-based group Puente promotes justice, non-violence, interdependence and human dignity. Puente Arizona works to empower the community and build bridges by working collaboratively with various organizations and individuals.
Somos America
Somos America is a community based coalition established in March of 2006 in an effort to mobilize for social justice and equal rights for immigrant communities in Arizona. The coalition of AZ community grassroots organizations, leaders, labor unions, and student joined together to advocate for comprehensive immigration reform. Its primary goals are to promote civic participation, political awareness, and education within the Latino community. The coalition integrates solidarity and diversity by building strong alliances and unity relationships.
Our strategic goals are to increase civic participation, to coalesce with organized labor, to challenge injustice and the exploitation of workers, and to expand, strengthen, and diversify the movement.
Standing on the Side of Love
Standing on the Side of Love is a public advocacy campaign that seeks to harness love’s power to stop oppression. It is sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Association and all are welcomed to join.
This is a time of great hope and possibility, yet our communities are threatened by the increased prevalence of acts motivated by fear and hate. No one should be dehumanized through acts of exclusion, oppression, or violence because of their identities. In public debates over immigration, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) rights, and more, religious people stand on the side of love and call for respect, inclusion, and compassion.
The Standing on the Side of Love campaign elevates compassionate religious voices to influence public attitudes and public policy. Through community activism, social networking, and media outreach, people across the nation are equipped to counter fear and make love real in the world.
Tierra Y Libertad Organization (TYLO)
TYLO is a grassroots organization, based out of Tucson, Arizona, that promotes the ideals of equality, justice, and self determination. Members, supporters, and allies of the organization work for positive social change and for the respect of land, people, and culture.
Since 2001 TYLO has focused on building multiple examples of positive social change and community transformation in the barrios where we live. Work of the organization is carried out through a multi-tier model of grassroots community organizing and popular education that consists of four key programs: Barrio Sustainability Project, TYLO Freedom School, MAIZ, and the Migrant Rights Organizing Campaign!
Todos Somos Arizona
Todos Somos Arizona stands in solidarity with immigrants and people of color in Arizona that are the targets of enforcement laws, with immigrants that are incarcerated in hundreds of detention facilities across the country, with people of color who have been targets of racial profiling, and with members of our communities who have been deported and separated from their families.
We pledge to resist the criminalization of our communities by engaging in acts of noncooperation and civil disobedience in protest of SB 1070 and other federal, state, and local immigration enforcement laws. We call an all immigrant rights and human rights advocates to join together in noncooperation and civil disobedience to put an end to these racist laws.
Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry (UULM) California
UULM California is a statewide justice ministry that serves to empower the moral voice of Unitarian Universalist values in the public arena. Guided by Unitarian Universalist principles, the Ministry seeks to develop the skills of civic engagement that we may educate, organize, and advocate for public policies that:
- uphold the worth and dignity of every person
- further justice, equity, and compassion in human relations
- ensure use of the democratic process
- protect religious freedom
- promote respect for the interdependent web of all existence
Charitable activity is a familiar and important part of a religious life. However, when poverty, environmental degradation, inequitable access to health care, and higher education are part of the structures of society, rather than unforeseen exceptions, then we know that charity is not enough. Our faith calls us to change policies and structures that inhibit human development, harm the environment, and destroy communities. We are called to educate and organize for justice.
We seek to build a statewide education and advocacy network that:
- is anchored in our UU faith, and informed by its history and principles
- shares information and policy expertise, particularly
from member UUs - can inspire and mobilize coordinated action through a network of mutual support and accountability
- trains new leadership, with special attention to involvement of youth and young adults
- is celebratory, sustainable, and fun
- raises the visibility of Unitarian Universalism and its values to policy makers and the larger community
Unitarian Universalist Refugee and Immigrant Services and Education, Inc. (UURISE)
UURISE provides affordable, trustworthy legal immigration counseling, representation, and resettlement services to marginalized immigrants and refugees; and provides educational advocacy to the larger community. The vision of UURISE is to create a prominent national Unitarian Universalist leadership in immigration and refugee advocacy and resettlement.
Local UUA District
The Pacific Southwest District (PSWD) serves forty-nine congregations in Arizona, southern California, and southern Nevada. Border and Migration Issues and Information from the PSWD.
Rev. Dr. Ken Brown, District Executive
Local Congregations
- Valley UU Congregation
Chandler, AZ - West Valley UU Church
Glendale, AZ - UU Congregation of Phoenix
Paradise Valley, AZ - UU Church
Surprise, AZ
Arizona Congregations
- UU Congregation of Green Valley
Amado, AZ - Valley UU Congregation
Chandler, AZ - Beacon UU Congregation
Flagstaff, AZ - West Valley UU Church
Glendale, AZ - UUs of Lake Havasu City, Arizona,
Lake Havasu City, AZ - UU Congregation of Phoenix
Paradise Valley, AZ - Granite Peak UU Congregation
Prescott, AZ - Prescott UU Fellowship
Prescott, AZ - Sedona UU Fellowship
Sedona, AZ - UUs of the White Mountains,
Show Low, AZ - UU Church of Southeastern Arizona
Sierra Vista, AZ - UU Church
Surprise, AZ - UU Church of Tucson
Tucson, AZ - Mountain Vista UU, the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of NW Tucson
Tucson, AZ - UU Fellowship of Yuma
Yuma, AZ
- Submit your suggestions to General Assembly planners.
- GA 2011 Presentation: July 2010 Standing on the Side of Love in Phoenix. Presenters: Sal Reza, Rev. Ken Brown, Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, Susan Leslie
- Letter from Pablo Alvarado, Director of NDLON, and Salvador Reza of Puente in Phoenix. June 2010