Accountability Group
At its January 2011 meeting, the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Board of Trustees approved the formation of a General Assembly (GA) 2012 Accountability Group. The 15-member group is charged with working with the board, the UUA administration, the GA Planning Committee, Arizona UU congregations, and external partners, particularly Arizona community groups, to fulfill the vision of a Justice GA as described in the 2010 GA business resolution. It is also charged with ensuring the participation of historically marginalized groups of people and forming alliances with local groups working on immigration issues.
In June, the group presented a report (PDF, 3 pages) to the Board of Trustees.
GA 2012 Accountability Group Members
Rev. Leslie Takahashi Morris
Co-minister, Mt. Diablo UU Church in Walnut Creek, CA
James Hobart
Rev. Wendy von Zirpolo
Allies for Racial Equality (ARE) Unitarian Universalist Allies for Racial Equity (ARE) exists as a response to a request by Diverse Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM), a UU People of Color Organization, for a group of white anti-racist allies to serve as partners in the journey of transforming our faith movement and our world. Their mission is to confront racism in ways that are accountable to communities of color and by creating opportunities for white UUs to understand white privilege and unlearn white supremacy. Their vision is an anti-racist, anti-oppressive, multicultural Unitarian Universalist faith.
Ian Jaffe
C*UUYAN C*UUYAN is the Continental Unitarian Universalist Young Adult Network, an organization by and for Unitarian Universalist (UU) young adults (age 18-35, inclusive).
Tomoko Takano
Rev. Mitra Rahnema, Arizona Liaison
DRUUMM Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religious tradition, and Diverse & Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM) is a welcoming spiritual and cultural home for People of Color. DRUUMM has grown to be inclusive of all People of Color who share in the vision of DRUUMM and seek to build a meaningful anti-racist, anti-oppressive, multicultural community.
Linda Wright
Suzanne Fast
Equual Access Equual Access was created to promote equality and access for Unitarian Universalist with disabilities, through coalition building, education, creation of policies and empowerment.
Laura Gilmore
General Assembly Young Adult Caucus The mission of General Assembly (GA) Young Adult Caucus is to provide an affordable, inclusive, and empowering community for young adults to network, worship, and share a collective voice as participants in the larger GA community.
Sarah Surface
General Assembly Youth Caucus
Youth Caucus is a group of Unitarian Universalist (UU) youth which participates in regular General Assembly programming and holds programming specifically for youth, including daily meetings to discuss and take part in GA business.
Allyson Diane Hamm
Sun Principe
Interweave A member-based, grassroots organization of Unitarian Universalists working to end oppression based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and connect bisexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, and queer (BGLTQ) Unitarian Universalists and their allies.
Rev. José Ballester
Rev. Patricia Jimenez
LUUNA The Latino(a) Unitarian Universalist Networking Association (LUUNA) is a multicultural continental association of Unitarian Universalists dedicated to:
- Attracting more Latina/os to our Unitarian Universalist tradition and for enhancing their participation within it by providing support, guidance, fellowship and advocacy.
- Educating the larger Unitarian Universalist community about Latina/o history, culture and diversity; and facilitating Unitarian Universalist involvement in current issues that affect the various Latina/o communities.
- Sharing aspects of Latina/o spiritual heritage, personal journeys and emerging UU Latina/o Liberation Theology with the larger Unitarian Universalist community thus enriching the worship, mission, and spirituality of our chosen faith.
- Interacting with the Unitarian Universalist Association and other Unitarian Universalist organizations in order to enhance the justice-making abilities of LUUNA and the aforementioned organizations.
- Interacting with other justice-making and multicultural organizations in order to bring about effective social change within our Unitarian Universalist movement so that it can truly become multicultural and empowering of traditionally marginalized and under-represented communities.
Rev. Paul Langston Daley
Rev. Sean Parker Dennison
TRUUsT Transgender Religious professional Unitarian Universalists Together (TRUUsT) is an emerging organization that advocates for the gifts, safety, liberation, and leadership of transgender religious professionals in Unitarian Universalist ministries and institutions.
Michael Han
Youth Ministry Advisory Committee (YMAC) The charge to the Youth Ministry Advisory Committee is to support Unitarian Universalist youth ministry by:
- serving in an advisory capacity to the UUA President on Associational progress in implementing the recommendations of the Youth Ministry Working Group, the future needs of Unitarian Universalist youth ministry, and the creation of a truly multigenerational faith;
- communicating a vision of vibrant youth ministry to our congregations and leaders; and
- reviewing current best practices in youth ministry and faith identity development within and outside of Unitarian Universalism.