UUA Ministries and Faith Development
The Ministries and Faith Development (MFD) staff group serves Unitarian Universalism by creating healthy, transformative, multigenerational, and diverse ministries and religious education. MFD includes a Director's Office and several functional offices.
The Office of Church Staff Finances provides information, services, and programs—including the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Health Plan and Retirement Plan—used by Unitarian Universalist congregations and their ministers, religious educators, and other employees in matters of fair compensation and benefits arrangements.
The Credentialing Office and Professional Development Office works with people preparing for credentialing in ministry, religious education, and music leadership and support their ongoing professional development to help our religious professionals live fully into their callings and to enrich their service to Unitarian Universalist congregations.
The LGBTQ and Multicultural Ministries Office supports congregations and communities with resources related to gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, and disability to ensure that folks living at the margins feel affirmed, welcomed, and included in Unitarian Universalist spaces. The Office also works closely with the Organizing Strategy Team in their efforts to ensure that UU congregations are equipped to mobilize on behalf of LGBTQ and gender justice.
The Lifespan Faith Engagement Office provides resources for lifespan religious education, worship, advocacy, and social action that nurture Unitarian Universalist identity, spiritual growth, a transforming faith, and vital communities of justice and love. The Office also supports all Unitarian Universalist youth and young adults through advocacy, education, training, and resource development.
The Transitions Office supports congregations facing or planning changes in their professional ministry with counsel and resources, including interim ministry. The Office also advises ministers on career planning.
The Worship Arts Office provides resources for those who plan and lead worship. This includes WorshipWeb (an online library of worship materials); educational resources about the theology and practice of worship; and Braver/Wiser, a weekly spiritual bulletin.
Contact Our Offices
- Ministries and Faith Development: mfd@uua.org
- Office of Church Staff Finances: ocsf@uua.org
- Credentialing Office and Professional Development: mco@uua.org
- LGBTQ and Multicultural Ministries: multicultural@uua.org
- Lifespan Faith Engagement: religiouseducation@uua.org
- Youth and Emerging Adult Ministry Staff: emerging@uua.org
- Transitions: transitions@uua.org
- Worship Arts: worshipweb@uua.org
- MFD fax: (617) 742-2875