Eric Dew Bliss
Full name: Eric Bliss
Youth and Emerging Adult Ministry Specialist
Lifespan Faith Engagement in Ministries and Faith Development

Eric Dew Bliss is a native of Knoxville, TN, where he grew up attending both Westside Unitarian Universalist and Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Churches. He holds degrees in Marine Biology and in Education.
As a career educator, Eric has taught classes from Ecology - to Chemistry - to English as a Second Language. Eric has been active in UU leadership over the course of 35 years, beginning as a YRUU group leader, eventually becoming a youth mentor, coordinator, and adviser at such places as The Mountain, Ferry Beach, NCCJ’s Anytown, and at GA Youth Caucus. He was the Director of Religious Exploration at First Unitarian Society of Denver for six years and served as the Youth Chaplain, the Quuest Youth Camp Director, the LREDA Chair for the Mountain Desert District, and on the Fahs Collaborative Guiding Team. Currently, Eric is the Youth and Emerging Adult Ministry Specialist for the Southern Region of the UUA.
Eric is a loving husband, and the father of three wonderful children whom he adores. In his spare time, he is an active soccer player and coach, thrives exploring the outdoors, traveling, nerding out with dice, skateboarding, and playing loud, post-punk music in dimly lit bars and all age venues.