Nao Bethea

Full name: Nao Bethea (they/them)

Lifespan Faith Engagement Co-Director

Lifespan Faith Engagement in Ministries and Faith Development

Nao Bethea, smiling and picking an apple from a tree

Nao Bethea is Co-Director of the Lifespan Faith Engagement Office. Nao has a background in social work, served as a Director of Religious Exploration at the UU Church of Tallahassee, and also worked as the UUA Outreach Specialist before their current role in Lifespan Faith Engagement office. Nao believes in the power of curiosity and respectful mischief in helping humanity get over itself and evolve.

Nao was born and raised near Tokyo, Japan, before moving to Central Florida. They identify as a hafu (biracial), queer, gender-fluid person of color and trauma survivor who holds strands of Christian, Buddhist, and pagan spirituality. Nao enjoys watching sci-fi, fantasy, and period TV shows, sewing, woodworking, and going for hikes in the woods. They live in Tallahassee, Florida with their witty spouse Daniel and mercurial dog Biscuit. Nao's mom and best friend Yoko lives nearby.