UUA Office of Church Staff Finances, Ministries and Faith Development

Richard Nugent

Rev. Richard Nugent, Director, Office of Church Staff Finances

Welcome! I'm Rev. Richard Nugent, the Director of Church Staff Finances. The mission of the Office of Church Staff Finances (OCSF) is to help Unitarian Universalist (UU) congregations live into the principles of our faith through their employment relationships and to equip ministers and church staff for financial competence. We provide information, services, and programs to congregational leaders and staff regarding benefit plans, aid funds, compensation, and staffing practices.


From UUA Office of Church Staff Finances, Ministries and Faith Development

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Property insurance challenges are becoming more common, from rate increases to policy terminations. While we can't make these problems go away, we can offer some suggestions.

Book | By Safe Congregations Team, UUA Office of Church Staff Finances, Ministries and Faith Development | December 15, 2023 | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: Facilities Management, Records & Security, Finance for Congregations

Resources to help you make sound decisions and ensure that you are treating your employees fairly and legally.

By UUA Office of Church Staff Finances, Ministries and Faith Development, UUA Human Resources | December 1, 2021 | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: #COVID19, Safely Staffing Your Congregations, Staffing & Supervision

A guide congregational leaders in recruiting, hiring, supporting, and transitioning professional music and religious education leaders.

Book | By UUA Office of Church Staff Finances, Ministries and Faith Development, Jan Gartner | June 9, 2020 | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: Staffing & Supervision

The UUA wants to help our congregations live into their values by offering benefit plans that protect their employees, including health plans that reflect UU values

Leader Resource | By UUA Office of Church Staff Finances, Ministries and Faith Development | February 13, 2020 | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: Benefits & Compensation for Congregations

In February 2020, the UUA shifted from Compensation Guidelines (salary and benefit recommendations) to Compensation Standards. While we continue to provide recommendations for salaries and benefits, the new UUA Compensation Standards also include legal requirements related to pay and benefits...

Leader Resource | By Jan Gartner, UUA Office of Church Staff Finances, Ministries and Faith Development | February 10, 2020 | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: Benefits & Compensation for Congregations

New! UUA Compensation Standards In February 2020, the UUA shifted from Compensation Guidelines (salary and benefit recommendations) to Compensation Standards. While we continue to provide recommendations for salaries and benefits, the new UUA Compensation Standards also include legal requirements...

Utility | By Jan Gartner, UUA Office of Church Staff Finances, Ministries and Faith Development | August 10, 2019 | From LeaderLab

The interdependence of our faith communities is integral to our polity (as is our independence). This is what makes us an Association of congregations. What can this interrelationship look like when it comes to congregational staff? Here are a few examples: Newly hired staff are welcomed and...

Leader Resource | By Jan Gartner, Jonipher Kūpono Kwong, UUA Office of Church Staff Finances, Ministries and Faith Development | August 4, 2019 | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: Change & Conflict, Healthy Behavior, Interdependence, Staffing & Supervision

Every Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) congregation is a “church” under U.S. tax law, therefore tax exempt, charitable, and exempt from tax filing. There is no “group exemption” from the UUA, but the UUA will provide a letter saying a congregation is in good standing. This addresses...

Leader Resource | By UUA Office of Church Staff Finances, Ministries and Faith Development | July 29, 2019 | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: Finance for Congregations

Once the salary and benefits are set by the appropriate church leadership based on recommended practices, it’s important to make sure the payroll is handled accurately and confidentially. Because of the complicated nature of payroll, and especially when it comes to ministers’ salary, housing and...

Leader Resource | By UUA Office of Church Staff Finances, Ministries and Faith Development | July 26, 2019 | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: Staffing & Supervision, Finance for Congregations

There are nuanced tax rules regarding income derived from renting your building and/or parking lot, depending on its relation to your core purpose.

Leader Resource | By UUA Office of Church Staff Finances, Ministries and Faith Development | July 25, 2019 | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: Facilities Management, Finance for Congregations

About UUA Office of Church Staff Finances, Ministries and Faith Development

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Insurance Plans

We offer Health, Dental, Vision, Life, and Long Term Disability insurance to employees of our congregations.


Hiring Members

Jan Gartner

From LeaderLab

Problems can arise when staff fail to recognize the unique responsibilities and relationships inherent to congregational employment.

For more information contact .