UUA Human Resources


The Office of Human Resources of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) works with the UUA's extraordinary and dedicated staff to model the best in progressive employment practices.

The Office of Human Resources is responsible for benefits administration, compensation, diversity, equity, and inclusion, employee relations, employment and equal employment opportunity, performance management, policies and procedures, and training and professional development for the UUA's national staff.

Below you'll find a number of resources that answer many of the questions we're asked frequently. If you can't find what you're looking for on UUA.org, don't hesitate to reach out to our Outreach and Public Witness Office (email: info@uua.org), which will direct you to the right place.


Compensation and Benefits

In general, questions regarding compensation and benefits for ministers and other religious professionals should be directed to our Office of Church Staff Finances.

Congregational Staffing

Questions regarding staffing, performance or other personnel issues at your congregation should be directed to your regional or district staff contact. Our Office of Ethics and Safety in Congregational Life can provide Safe Congregations resources.


UUA Staff Issues

To access a staff contact listing, you must log in or register. If you've just made an account, check your email for a message from web@uua.org to complete your registration, then log in to get back to your task.