The UU Organizations Retirement Plan (UUORP)

By UUA Church Staff Finances

UU Employers: Helping All Employees Gain Access to Retirement Savings

Acknowledging the inherent worth of every employee requires recognizing their needs as they transition and evolve to new chapters in life. UU Employers who have adopted the UU Organizations Retirement Plan (UUORP) ensure that all of their employees, age 18 or older, have equal access to the denominational retirement plan so they may save for their future.

Please see Employer Resources and information for Plan Participants.

Participating UU Employers

2025 UU Org Retirement Plan Restatement

The UU Organizations Retirement Plan (UUORP), sponsored by the UUA, implemented its most recent restatement on January 1, 2025. The UUA Board approved the restated Plan document on August 12, 2024 (previous restatement was in 2014). The Plan restatement was necessary to comply with recent changes in federal law. These changes will also make the Plan easier to administer by our nearly 600 participating employers and incorporates changes designed for greater equity.

UUA and Empower Logos side by side

Empower is the current recordkeeper for the UU Organizations Retirement Plan.

Adopting UU Employer/Congregations are responsible for administering the Plan, abiding by all of the provisions of the governing Plan Document and their Employer Participation Agreement (EPA) on file with the UUA.

UU Retirement Plan Logo