Health Insurance

The UUA is pleased to offer member organizations Health Insurance through Highmark BCBS.

Plan Updates for 2025

  • Health Insurance Premium Increase for 2025: 7%
  • Dental Insurance Rates for 2025:
    • Individual: $65/month
    • Two-Person: $130/month
    • Family: $150/month

Our premiums and benefits are determined by the UUA Health Plan Committee, while claims processing and related services are provided through Highmark Blue Cross under contract with the UUA. Since its inception in 2007, the UUA Health Insurance Plan has been committed to reflecting UUA values and delivering excellent customer service.

Deductibles and Out-of-pocket Limits

Please review our Health Plan Level Comparison Grid (PDF) for details.

Prescription Drug Plans

The option will remain to use a generic medication even when a brand is available, members will now pay the difference in cost between the generic and brand (Sensible Rx). In addition, a limited number of members will be able to take advantage of manufacturer coupons while using in-plan coverage, reducing the co-pay to zero (Copay Armor). Highmark members will receive information to explain generic options and the coupon program.

Prospective UUA Health Plan Participants

Current UUA Health Plan Participants

For Congregational Employers and Administrators

Useful Links

Employee Benefits Trust

The UUA Health Plan is operated by the Health Plan Trust, established by vote at the UUA Board of Trustees meeting on October 22, 2006.

To review the Plan’s annual audited financial statements, please see Finance Teams and Financial Reports of the UUA on the UUA Finance Page.