Janice Marie Johnson

Full name: Dr. Janice Marie Johnson

Director of Ministries and Faith Development

Ministries and Faith Development

Janice Marie Johnson

Dr. Janice Marie Johnson joined the Ministries and Faith Development staff group in January 2019 as Co-Director and serves as its sole Director as of January 2024. She supports, sustains, and advances multicultural, anti-oppressive, justice-centered, and innovative Unitarian Universalist lay and professional leadership and ministry for all ages. Janice supports the professional lives of religious professionals, especially those of color, those from the trans community, and other marginalized groups.

Since joining the UUA in 2009, Janice has served as Director of Racial and Ethnic Concerns, Multicultural Growth Director, and Multicultural Ministries and Leadership Director in the former Multicultural Growth and Witness staff group.

Janice is excited about the UUA's commitment to dismantling white supremacy culture and building the Beloved Community.* Committed to making multiculturalism “real,” Janice is a Jamaican, a New Yorker, an internationalist, and a “third-culture kid” who grew up all over the world. She has worked with UU congregations worldwide.

As an educator. she previously served as Director of Lifespan Religious Education at the Community Church of New York for many years.

Janice—mother, grandmother, aunt, sibling, and so much more—treasured a unique relationship with her twin sister, Rev. Dr. Hope Johnson.

*Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. popularized the notion of the “Beloved Community,” a term coined by philosopher Josiah Royce. King envisioned the Beloved Community as a society based on justice, equity, and love of others.