Jennica Davis-Hockett
Youth Ministry Specialist
Lifespan Faith Engagement in Ministries and Faith Development
Telephone: (617) 948-4352
Jennica has worked in UU religious education and youth ministry since 2008. Since then, she has served as Youth Advisor, Program Coordinator and Religious Education Assistant (First Unitarian Church, Salt Lake), District Youth Ministry Consultant (Mountain Desert), Regional Youth Ministry Specialist (Pacific Western) and Youth Ministry Associate (Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries).
Jennica is the co-convener of the Youth Ministry Roundtable, a cross departmental team including folks from Lifespan Faith Engagement, Congregational Life and the UU College of Social Justice. She is the editor of the second edition of Youth Ministry Advising: A Complete Guide. She is the program lead for Summer Seminary and Luminary Leaders.
Her vision for Unitarian Universalist (UU) youth ministry is that every UU youth has a dependable support network that acknowledges their inherent worth and dignity and fosters their potential as spiritual leaders, and that every UU adult in that network has the wisdom, compassion and support to meet that call. Her spiritual practices include gardening, yoga, rock climbing, playing the ukulele and nature adventures in the Utah wilderness with her husband Mat.