Deeper Joy: Games, Songs, Activities and Practices for Community-Builders!
The Map to Deeper Joy is an evolving compilation of games, songs, activities and practices designed for community builders, activists, educators, and anyone interested in fostering inclusive, multigenerational communities.
Before You Start Using These Materials
- Please learn more about the Deeper Joy framework.
- Drop in to an Open Studio Thursdays at 9a AK / 11a MT / 1p ET
Bonding Harbor: The first step in building community is to identify some cohesiveness and a very low stakes sense of contributing to the collective.
Opening Up Beach: When we share low risk or non threatening stuff about ourselves and our lives and feel like we are received, considered and valued our sense of safety increases.
Healing Springs: when there is hurt or harm, the way we show up for each other matters. Repair, amends and recovery are vital on the journey to deeper joy.
Forest of Affirmation: When we value other's experiences, witness their growth and support them in their tender moments our trustworthiness increases.
Stretching River: Trials, problem-solving opportunities and challenges can all bring a group closer to each other.
Watch out for the jagged borders that actively or inadvertently keep others out instead of drawing the circle wider.
December 15, 2023 | From Deeper JoyTagged as: High School-Aged Youth Faith Development -
The Covenant Lighthouse is a place on the Map to Deeper Joy
December 15, 2023 | From Deeper JoyTagged as: High School-Aged Youth Faith Development -
The Canyons of Deeper Sharing is a place on the Map to Deeper Joy
December 15, 2023 | From Deeper JoyTagged as: High School-Aged Youth Faith Development -
The Tepid Bay is a place on the Map to Deeper Joy
December 15, 2023 | From Deeper JoyTagged as: High School-Aged Youth Faith Development