Canyons of Deeper Sharing Part of Deeper Joy December 15, 2023 Canyons of Deeper Sharing Video Transcript _0 (RTF) Canyons of Deeper Sharing In This Section Amateur Fortune Teller From Deeper Joy Parameters: 2+ people; can be done online or in person. Participants create a secret message for themselves by interpreting the hidden meaning of some of their favorite things. They get to choose what they share with each other. Red Light / Green Light - consent edition From Deeper Joy Parameters: More than 3 people, in person and you need a green object and a red object. "The Light" chooses the distance between themself and others by having them move forward or stop. Includes suggested discussion questions. Reflections From Deeper Joy Parameters: even number of people, in person or online. Pair up and assume a similar stance accessible to the pair. Choose who is the actor and who is the reflection and discuss how touch, sight and sound will be used to communicate. The actor moves while the reflection mirrors their movement. Self-Portraits From Deeper Joy Parameters: more than two people; in-person or on video call. Participants create an outline of their body then fill it in with the things that represent what makes them who they are. Then they share out and receive affirmations. Spectrum of Opinions From Deeper Joy Parameters: In person or online, 5+ people. Participants share their opinions (agree, neutral, disagree) on various statements ranging from silly to profound and can share more details if they wish. Would You Rather From Deeper Joy Takeaways may include: naming preferences and opinions, learning about opposing preferences and opinions from others, exploring differences. Parameters: more than two people, in person or virtually. Review the covenant.... PREVIOUS: The Party Party UP: Deeper Joy NEXT: Amateur Fortune Teller Get a print-friendly version of Deeper Joy, including all sub-pages.