Chalice Lighters

Chalice Lighter grants are funded by small donations from individuals like you—donations that are pooled together to help congregations from across our large MidAmerica Region of the UUA with specific growth projects. We ask ("Call") three times a year. We are awarding a single large grant of over $10,000 to one congregation for each Call, so that congregations can receive more funds for starting new fellowships, acquiring meeting space, securing a minister, religious educator, or other professional staff, or providing for outreach and public relations. Smaller grants will still be available in the form of contributions of up to $1,000 to Faithify campaigns posted by MidAmerica congregations. To learn more, please see the Archive link at left to review any of our Calls going back to 2016.

Donate Using This Form

Be sure to use the drop-down list to choose the fund you want to contribute to.

Select CL Annual Call if you’d like to contribute towards our Annual Fund. Your contribution then is split evenly between all three Calls in a given fiscal year.

Also indicate your Congregation's Full Name, City and State in the Comments field below. (e.g. Second Unitarian Church of Chicago, IL)

Rev. Phil Lund explains the Chalice Lighters program in this brief video

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