Hi, I'm Phil Lund, the congregational life consultant for the MidAmerica region who administers our Chalice Lighter Program. Chalice Lighters is a fundraising program that was started in the former Prairie Star District by the Reverend Alan Egly in the early 1980s. Here's how it works: three times a year the Region sends out a Call letter or email to people who've signed up to be Chalice Lighters. The letter shares the story of a MidAmerica congregation raising money for one of four purposes: starting a new fellowship; acquiring or remodeling meeting space; securing a minister, religious educator or other professional staff; or providing for outreach and public relations. Chalice Lighters are asked to donate at least $20 for each of the three calls: fall, winter, and spring. Because of the generosity of our Chalice Lighters, we've been able to help dozens of congregations around the region with grants of 10 to $15,000. Contributing to Chalice Lighters is a great way for individuals around the Region to help other UU congregations share our UU values. For more information about Chalice Lighters, visit this web address.