General Assembly Journal: "GAdding About"
Doug Muder brings the first-hand experience of General Assembly to you through his daily blog, "GAdding About."
Wednesday, June 25
"Greetings from General Assembly."
Thursday, June 26
"Today should answer a question I've been wondering about since I first saw the General Assembly (GA) Program: Will Forrest Church really be here?"
Friday, June 27
"Best bumper sticker available in the Exhibition Hall: 'Who are you to question why your God doesn't want me to believe in Him?'"
Saturday, June 28
"I got two events behind in my coverage for the website, so my
blogging time has been limited. But I'm not complaining, because
one of those events—Forrest Church's talk Friday about his new book Love and Death—is probably the event from this GA that will be most remembered and
longest discussed."
Sunday, June 29
"Whenever you leave GA, you have a choice about how to look back at your experience. You can think about the things you did, or the things you didn't do."