Video Coverage
Thursday, June 23
- 1029 Opening Celebration and Plenary I
Join folk legend Pete Seeger, hear music from the new Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) music resource "Singing the Journey," see the parade of banners, and join Moderator Gini Courter and President Bill Sinkford in our opening celebration and first plenary!
Friday, June 24
- 2031 Pete Seeger and Friends Celebrating Our Tradition
A chance to sing with the man who has led music witness for justice and social change over six decades. Pete will be joined by musicians and ministers in this stirring celebration. - 2043 Sharing Our Values in Our Families Part 2
- 2083 Plenary II
Moderator Gini Courter presides over today's business meeting which will include reports and voting on our study action issue. - 2124 Service of the Living Tradition
The Rev. Dr. Patrick T. O'Neill, senior minister of First Unitarian Church in Wilmington, DE, is the preacher for this evening's service which will honor our religious leaders as well as remember those leaders who have died and those who have completed service. Music will be provided by a choir of ministry professionals, "The Singers of the Living Tradition," conducted by Elizabeth Norton, President of the Unitarian Universalist Musicians Network.
Saturday, June 25
- 3002 Morning Worship
- 3004 Plenary III
Moderator Gini Courter presides over today's business meeting which will include awards and reports. - 3025 Lethal Injustice on America's Death Row
- 3028 Lifespan Faith Development Programs in Growing Congregations
- 3071 Small Group Ministry: Beyond the Basics Workshop
- 3108 Plenary IV and Candidates Forum
Candidates for UUA elected offices and committees will be introduced and candidates in contested elections will have the opportunity to address delegates. President Bill Sinkford and Moderator Gini Courter will present their reports to the Plenary. - 3109 Bridging Ceremony
The annual Bridging Ceremony honors youth who are become young adults. This year's service will focus on our faith finding a voice for positive change in our society.
Sunday, June 26
- 4002 Sunday Morning Music and Worship
Beginning with music for congregational singing and moving into worship, join thousands of Unitarian Universalists (UUs) as we explore the ways in which we can "be born again...and again...and again." The sermon will be preached by the Rev. Robert Hardies, Senior Minister of All Souls Unitarian Church in Washington, DC, with Rev. Barbara Wells ten Hove, liturgist, and music from the UUA's new hymn supplement, Singing the Journey, conducted by UU composer, performer and educator Jeannie Gagne. - 4004 Plenary V
Moderator Gini Courter presides over this business session which will include voting on admitting proposed Statements of Conscience to the agenda. - 4023 Teaching in Faith: Beckoning, Supporting and Sustaining Volunteers
- 4024 Sharing Our Progressive Family Values with the World
- 4073 Ware Lecture
Elaine Pagels, a preeminent figure in the theological community, will speak about the controversey that has raged over the characterization of Jesus as presented in the New Testament Gospel of John and the Gospel of Thomas.
Monday, June 27
- 5043 Plenary VI
Moderator Gini Courter presides over the final business session which will include voting on actions of immediate witness and summary motions as well as final reports on the business of this general assembly. - 5054 All-GA Youth Worship
- 5056 Closing Ceremony
This ceremony will bring GA to a close with thanks to those departing volunteer leadership and music performed by the General Assembly Choir under the co-direction of Jeannie Gagne and the Rev. Jason Shelton.