2019 Spring
Dear MidAmerica Chalice Lighter,
As we’ve noted before, changes are coming to the Chalice Lighter Program. Beginning next September, rather than awarding multiple smaller grants for each Fall, Winter, and Spring Chalice Lighter call, we will begin awarding a single large grant of over $10,000 to one congregation.
Our goal is to reformulate the program so that congregations can receive even larger grants for starting new fellowships, acquiring meeting space, securing a minister, religious educator, or other professional staff, or providing for outreach and public relations.
Smaller grants will still be available in the form of contributions of up to $1000 to Faithify campaigns (visit https://faithify.org for more information how Faithify is crowdfunding Unitarian Universalism).
So, for the 2019 Spring Call—the last call to give out multiple grants—the MidAmerica Region Chalice Lighter Committee is pleased to announce that these three congregations have been chosen to receive Chalice Lighter grants:
The Hopedale UU Community in Oxford, Ohio, to assist the congregation in completing basic renovation improvements in their basement religious education area.
The Berrien UU Fellowship in St Joseph, Michigan, to invest in their music ministry by increasing the music budget and creating a paid Music Director position.
The All Souls Community Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, to reach out to the greater community by providing a way to strengthen people’s faith by making available a labyrinth for them to explore in a quiet environment.
To donate to the Spring 2019 Chalice Lighter Call, visit https://www.uua.org/midamerica/giving.
Thank you again for your generosity!
Rev. Phillip Lund and the Chalice Lighter Committee