2021 Spring Call
The MidAmerica Region Chalice Lighter Committee is pleased to announce that the UU Fellowship of Mankato, Minnesota, is the recipient of the Spring 2021 Chalice Lighter Call! The Fellowship is taking the lessons learned over the past year and moving into a more technologically advanced future. The Chalice Lighter grant will help them purchase video recording and streaming hardware and software so they can livestream worship, adult and youth programming, regional webinars and special events, and more. Their goal is to invest in the hardware and software needed to not just meet their current needs, but to carry their mission forward into the digital future they are creating.
They expect that this equipment will have several direct impacts on their congregation. It will enable them to maintain relationship with congregants who are temporarily or chronically unable to attend worship in person, due to illness, disability, or family and work obligations—or even bad weather. It will also enable them to continue their relationship with congregants who have moved away, for a job or for education or for seasonal relocation (“snowbirds”). And it will provide a vector for the Fellowship to reach out to younger people and families who are moving into our region and are using virtual media to find their spiritual home.
You can help the UU Fellowship of Mankato create their digital future by donating to the Spring 2021 Chalice Lighter Call. Donate today!