2016 Fall
Dear MidAmerica Chalice Lighter,
Every once in a while we have a Chalice Lighter call cycle when we do not receive any applications. This fall is one of those times. When this happens, it’s been our practice to put a call out for funds to support congregations in their work around a specific area, like support emerging congregations or youth and young adult programs.
Your MidAmerica Regional Chalice Lighter Committee has decided to apply funds from the Fall 2016 Call to assist congregations in supporting Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism (BLUU).
According to their website (www.blacklivesuu.com), “Black Lives of UU provides information, resources and support for Black Unitarian Universalists and works to expand the role and visibility of Black UUs within our faith.”
One of the ways congregations can do this is use Chalice Lighter funds to cover the cost for Black UUs who wish to attend upcoming Unitarian Universalist gatherings, like BLUU 2017 Convening in New Orleans, Louisiana, March 9-12, or MidAmerica’s Regional Assembly in Oak Brook, Illinois, April 28-30, or next year’s General Assembly which will also be in New Orleans, Louisiana, June 21-25.
Funds could also be used to help MidAmerica congregations create and display their own Black Lives Matter banners, or help cover the cost of replacing banners that have been vandalized.
Another way congregations could help support Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism could be to respond to BLUU’s call of action encouraging UU congregations to open their doors and make meeting and healing space available to Black organizers during times of crisis, such as the recent shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. Congregations could use Chalice Lighter funds to cover expenses related to refreshments, copy services, and use of office space.
Bringing speakers to a UU cluster event might be another way to use a small grant from Chalice Lighters.
For this Fall 2016 Call please donate by Saturday, December 15, 2016
We thank you for your support of congregations working to expand the role and visibility of Black Unitarian Universalists in our region!
There are several ways you can participate in the Chalice Lighter program, with four suggested levels of donation:
$20 Believer / $50 Builder / $100 Benefactor / $250 Beacon
These are amounts that would be donated three times each year upon receipt of the Call Letter in fall, winter, and spring. If you’d prefer to make one donation per year, for tax purposes, please send the $60 minimum donation or any greater amount to be divided among the next three Calls. You can send in your check now, and we will hold the funds and divide them equally across the three Calls. If you want to make an annual donation, please be sure to note “Annual” in the memo field of your check.
Thank you again for your generosity!
The Chalice Lighter Committee
Emily Jaycox, St. Louis, MO
Heidi Lackmann, DesMoines, IA
John Blevins, Kansas City, MO
Jennifer Thomas, Bowling Green, KY
Dan Talhelm, Lansing, MI
with staff support from Rev. Phillip Lund and Dori Davenport Thexton