UU Valentines

A silhouette of cupid on a red field with white text: "We go together like a flame and a chalice."
a red field with gray spider web and white text: "Let's let our interconnected WEBS interconnect, baby."
On a red field, two white cartoon birds kissing with text: "I love you more than thoreau loved the woods"
A teal background with red heart and white text: "Will you join the committee of my heart?"
A white message on red field, with text boxes: "Every day I thank (please check one) God, The Universe, The Unnamed, The Spirit, Earth Mother, All of the Above, None of the Above... FOR YOU
A white heart in a green circle. White text on red background: "You are the answer to my prayers... meditations, and/or moments of quiet reflection."
On a teal background, a white cup of coffee and the message: "I love you more than fair trade coffee... almost."