Doodles and Coloring Pages
Many adults are finding mindfulness, centering, and calming through coloring and doodling. (It's not just for kids anymore!) WorshipWeb is happy to offer these images, along with these ideas for how to use them:
- hand out copies as part of a Covenant Group or worship gathering, for a time of silent coloring
- use as a watermark on a printed order of service
- if your congregation uses projected images, use as a backdrop or "filler" slide
Coloring Pages
- Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Logo by Jennie Freiberger
- Chalice mandalas by Tanya Webster:
- Chalice Sunburst by Cynthia Landrum
- Flower Ceremony Doodle by Cynthia Landrum
- Love Doodle by Cynthia Landrum
- Harvest Basket Chalice by Jennie Freiberger
- UU + 7 Coloring Page by Jennie Freiberger
- A Seven Principles mandala by Cynthia Landrum
- An Easter egg chalice coloring page by David Snedden
- A dot-to-dot chalice page by David Snedden
Doodling Pages
Lindy Gifford of the Midcoast UU Fellowship in Damariscotta, Maine, has found that intentional doodling makes a wonderful spiritual practice. It is especially accessible to both children and adults who struggle with other forms of meditation, or who do not believe in their birthright creativity, often having been taught that they are “not artistic.” It is as relaxing and meditative as coloring and, because it asks more of our individual creativity, it often can access something else deep within.
Lindy suggests you try doodling these pages from her Doodle-ography Journal in black pen and really enjoy the simplicity of line and pattern, rather than trying to draw any “thing” in particular. Try not to plan, but just start, letting your intuition be your guide, rather than your thinking mind. A good way to begin is to simply fill each space in one of the outlined images with a different pattern (but don’t forget the space outside the shape and around the quotes). When you are done doodling, break out the colored pencils or markers and color a page of your own creation.
For more information about doodling as a spiritual practice go to Doodle-ography.