Beauty Calls Us Together
Beauty Calls Us Together is a song cycle with accompanying readings created by Kathryn Canan, Rev. Suzelle Lynch, and Ruben Piirainen. It was composed in 2023 to honor the 100-year anniversary of the Flower Ceremony, an annual ritual that originated in 1923 by the Rev. Dr. Norbert Čapek, of The Congregation of Liberal Religious Fellowship in Prague, Czechoslovakia, to celebrate beauty, human uniqueness, diversity, and community.
Intended for use by Unitarian Universalist congregations, Beauty Calls Us Together may be used in its entirety, or its musical pieces and readings may be used individually or in combination with other elements in worship services, concerts, or presentations. It may precede or follow the Flower Ceremony ritual itself.
Its composers request that the musical compositions not be altered, nor new arrangements made, without permission of the authors and composers.
A fee* on a sliding scale of $30 to $50 is requested for use of Beauty Calls Us Together. This fee entitles the user to make copies of the work for ongoing use by a single congregation. The composers have covered their development costs, so all fees collected are now being contributed to the scholarship fund of the Association for Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries (AUUMM), which supports UU music and worship arts professionals, leaders, and those they serve.
- View the entire score (PDF) of Beauty Calls Us Together, which incudes readings, introductions for each musical composition, composer bios, and more. Alternate scores are available for:
- To get a sense of each piece in the cantata, listen to demo recordings of each song. However, please do not use these recordings in worship.
*Fees may be remitted via PayPal or Venmo. You may also mail a check to Rev. Suzelle Lynch, 562 N. Chatham St., Janesville, WI 53548.