UUA Election Policies and Official Information

a desktop computer, a tablet, a laptop computer, and a smart phone on a red background with a white banner which reads "UUA elections"

UUA Support for Moderator Candidates

Once a candidate has been nominated for UUA Moderator, the UUA will provide the following support:

  • Candidate information webpage on UUA.org’s Elections section with candidate’s picture, bio/statement, and links to website and social media
  • Candidacy announcements on uuworld.org and in the print magazine; profile on uuworld.org; candidate statements on uuworld.org and in the print magazine; and candidates may purchase online advertising.
    • Candidates are responsible for contacting world@uua.org and meeting deadlines for ad reservation (December 1) and final ad delivery (January 25). A full specification and rate sheet for print and online advertising will be provided to each candidate upon request.
  • Information shared via emails sent to UU congregational leaders through the UUA’s email system, with content about the candidates and campaign
  • Participation in one all-virtual candidate spring forum, with an additional multiplatform forum at General Assembly 2025 (travel paid to General Assembly)
  • UUA social media promotion of UU World election coverage, candidate forums, and other general election information; two or three press releases to external audiences
  • Option to purchase sponsorships and advertising at General Assembly 2025; basic booth space is provided free, in additional to candidate’s travel costs
  • List of physical mailing addresses for all UUA congregations
  • Opportunity to ask questions and receive information about UUA programs and activities, including an overview of current operations at an introductory meeting

This summarizes the more detailed policy of support which candidates receive. These same benefits are provided to all candidates, regardless of whether they were nominated by the Board of Trustees or by petition.

Candidates also may raise money to support their campaign activities and events. The UUA provides additional information and support to voting delegates, so they are fully able to participate in the election. The UUA also administers the third-party, secure elections software for delegate voting.

For purposes of these policies, the decision for determining whether a person is an “announced candidate” shall be that of the Secretary of the Association, secretary@uua.org. Furthermore, while the UUA will use all communications vehicles at its disposal to inform Unitarian Universalists about the election, only UU World and uuworld.org may cover election campaigns as news.

We are confident that these innovative strategies for communication about UUA elections will enhance congregational involvement in the election process. Contact the UUA Election Campaign Practices Committee at elections@uua.org with additional questions.