Under the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) bylaws, congregations that have met the certification requirements will receive delegates that can vote in the election in two ways:
- Electronic Voting: Accredited delegates may vote electronically either onsite at General Assembly (GA) or remotely. The Secretary shall designate the electronic voting period in the General Assembly meeting announcement and may add more time if justified. Electronic voting systems must be auditable, accessible, and secure.
- Mail Ballots: Accredited delegates may cast their ballots as paper ballots by mail, if they request to do so. For 2023, delegates unable to vote online may request a paper ballot by mailing the request to: UUA General Assembly, 24 Farnsworth St. Boston, MA 02210. Requests must include a copy of the delegate’s credential document and must be postmarked by June 1, 2023. Completed ballots must be received by June 14, 2023 or postmarked by June 12, 2023.
Congregations have wide discretion in determining whether and how to instruct their delegates. For example, a congregation could hold a congregational meeting to discuss the election and then could direct its delegates to vote for particular candidates, or the congregation could appoint delegates and allow those delegates to vote their consciences.
Voting at each regular and special General Assembly shall be by accredited delegates. The following people qualify as delegates:
- Ministers in preliminary or full fellowship with the Association and employed at least half-time (including extension and interim ministers)
- Community ministers who maintain active involvement and affiliation with the congregation
- Religious educators who are active members of the Liberal Religious Educators Association (LREDA) and employed in such congregation
- Emeritus/a ministers & religious educators (must be designated as such 6 months prior to General Assembly by the certified member congregation they are settled at/employed by)
- Associate Member Organizations (UU Service Committee and UU Women’s Federation) may each appoint two voting delegates. Delegates must be a member of a Certified UU congregation.
- UUA Board of Trustees members may vote in the election.
Congregations receive delegate credentials which allow delegates to vote for candidates in person at General Assembly or electronically before and during GA.