Anti Racism/Anti Oppression/Multiculturalism
Resources for congregations to address systemic oppression, create more inclusive ministries, and work for justice, equity, compassion, and liberation for all. Includes resources on race, class, disability, and LGBTQ. Want to stay update on all AR/AO/MC matters? Subscribe to the NER AR/AO/MC list.
Resources for UUs of Color
- Black Lives of UU (BLUU) - Black Lives of UU provides information, resources and support for Black Unitarian Universalists and works to expand the role & visibility of Black UUs within our faith.
- Diverse and Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM) - a UU People of Color Ministry and anti-racist collective
- Finding Our Way Home - annual retreat for UU Religious Professionals of Color
- Thrive - Leadership Schools for UU Youth and Young Adults of Color
Dismantling White Supremacy Culture
- Start here! Anti-racism Resources for Congregations
- Widening the Circle of Concern: Report of the UUA Commission on Institutional Change, June 2020, also available in hardcopy. See also this study/action guide.
- Rubric for congregational assessment (PDF) from the UUSC
- The Richness and Challenge of the Journey (YouTube): a recorded webinar conversation with leaders at the North Parish of North Andover Unitarian Universalist describing various things they have done with and through the congregation over many years to address racial injustice and what they learned in the process.
- Amen to Uprising Statement
- Undoing Systemic White Supremacy, a statement of conscience from 2021
- Stop Calling the Police and Start Eradicating Anti-Blackness call to action; alternatives to calling the police for congregations and
- Centering: Navigating Race, Authenticity, and Power in Ministry, an anthology edited by Mitra Rahnema
- White Supremacy Teach In - resources for learning about and addressing white supremacy culture in congregations, for people of all ages (the event has passed, but the resources are still here!)
- Decentering Whiteness in Worship webinar series
- Tema Okun has updated her work on White Supremacy Culture with this new website: White Supremacy Culture
- Allies for Racial Equity - building an antiracist movement of white UUs working to confront racism in ways that are accountable to communities of color
- Resources from the UUA
- What is Multiculturalism?
- Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced Resources for Engaging in Multicultural Ministry
- Mistakes and Miracles: Congregations on the Road to Multiculturalism, by Karen Lin and Nancy Palmer Jones
- Stories of UU congregations building partnerships for indigenous justice
- Preemptive Radical Inclusion - training available from CB Beal of Justice and Peace Consulting
- Centering the Margins in Outreach: a webinar presented by Marchaé Grair and Anna Bethea for people interested in bringing an inclusive lens to their work related to outreach, membership, or communications within Unitarian Universalism. (February 13, 2019) Recording (YouTube) (1hr 30min), Webinar slides (PDF), Welcoming vs Othering handout cards (PDF)
Creating Spaces for Learning and Dialogue About Race and Racism
- Building the World We Dream About, by Dr. Mark Hicks is a 24 session curriculum that seeks to transform how people from different racial/ethnic groups understand and relate to one another. (Can be adapted into 12 sessions)
- Beloved Conversations, a program for Unitarian Universalists seeking to embody racial justice as a spiritual practice. In Beloved Conversations, we are here to heal the impact of racism on our lives, in order to get free together. (Virtual for 2021)
- Examining Whiteness: An Anti-Racism Curriculum, by Rev. Dr. William Gardiner
- Resources on Repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery
- An Indigenous People's History of the United States and Young People's Version
- Discussion Guide (PDF) for An Indigenous People's History of the United States
- Extensive list of resources to learn and act in solidarity with indigenous people from the 21 Day Racial Equity Indigenous Challenge
Disability Justice
- Equual Access - UUs living with disabilities, our families, friends, and allies coming together To enable the full engagement of people with disabilities in Unitarian Universalist communities and the broader society. See side menu.
- Resources from Equual Access. See side menu.
- Disability and Accessibility resources from the UUA
- Held: Showing Up for Each Other's Mental Health, by Barbara F. Meyers - a book about how everyone in the congregation can support those living with mental illness
- Mental Health Ministry led by Rev. Barbara F. Meyers (Slides (PDF), Info packet for Lay Leaders and Religious Professionals (PDF), Info packet for Ministers (PDF)
Welcoming Congregations and LGBTQ Inclusion
- Welcoming Congregation Program - for congregations to learn and practice solidarity with LGBTQ people and communities
- Transgender Inclusion in Congregations - an online class from Transforming Hearts Collective
- Transgender Religious Professional UUs Together (TRUUST) - Mission: To support Unitarian Universalist trans+ religious professionals, advocate for each other and our ministries, and transform Unitarian Universalism and our world.
Class Awareness and Inclusion
- UU Class Conversations - resources and training
- Class Action: the Struggle with Class in Unitarian Universalism, report by the Commission on Appraisal
- Missing Class: Strengthening Social Movement Groups by Seeing Class Cultures
Learning Together: Non-UU Curricula
- White Privilege: Let's Talk - from the United Church of Christ
- Witnessing Whiteness by Shelly Tochluk
- Waking Up to Whiteness: Dharma and Racism Study Curriculum - from Spirit Rock Insight Meditation Center
- White Awake Workshops and Study Groups